UFC star Daniel Cormier finally revealed how he ended up looking similar to Dwayne Johnson, aka “The Rock,” in the latest promo graphic for ESPN’s “DC and Helwani” show. Cormier told Helwani on Monday’s show just how and why the epic graphic came into being.
“Robert Pearson made us this amazing poster and you are getting killed for this poster because they all think that you made it and you made yourself look like The Rock,” Helwani told Cormier. “You have this nice slim figure, the neck, what’s going on with this poster?”
Cormier, one of only four UFC “champ champ” fighters in history, then went on to explain how the whole thing happened.
“So here’s the deal, I was shown three copies…the poster,” Cormier said. “The first one was a little pudgy, you know, then I said ‘Make him a little less pudgy’ and then he made him a little less pudgy.”
Of course, Cormier then specifically asked the artist to make him look like The Rock.
“And then I said ‘Shave his head. Make his face look like mine but like The Rock, and then I want my body to look like The Rock.’”
Cormier said his haters just couldn’t stand that he resembled The Rock, one of the most popular pro wrestling icons and action movie stars in history.
“Don’t hate,” Cormier said. “People are hatin’ because I look like Dwayne Johnson. It’s not my fault that there’s a very strong resemblance between me and The Rock.”
And don’t expect Cormier to sign off on a change to the graphic anytime soon. The former UFC light heavyweight and heavyweight champion indeed smells what The Rock is cooking, and apparently he plans on riding this out as long as humanly possible.
“What’s wrong with the picture? I think it looks phenomenal,” Cormier said.
The Rock Posted an Epic Response via Twitter
Johnson posted an epic response via Twitter. The famed entertainer and UFC fan thought Cormier’s claim was just as hilarious as everyone else.
The Rock tweeted, “Maaan this gave me a good laugh. Me and my brother [Daniel Cormier] are pretty much identical twins. Get over it people. Sheeesh.”
Helwani subsequently thanked Johnson for chiming in on the fun.
“Thank you for making his day, Rocky,” Helwani tweeted. “It’s been sad times for DC since he had to part with that island hair patch atop his head.”
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Daniel Cormier Says ‘I Look Like The Rock’ and Gets Epic Reply