Joe Paterno
Joe Paterno Career Record: NCAA Restores Wins
Joe Paterno returned to the top of the wins list in NCAA college history when Penn State accepted a settlement from the NCAA.
Sandusky on ‘Today’: I Don’t Know if Paterno Thought I Raped Boys
Jerry Sandusky ‘Today Show’ Jailhouse Interview to Air Monday
Graham Spanier, Ex Penn State Prez, Charged in Jerry Sandusky Case
Aaron Fisher, Sandusky Victim No. 1: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know
Al Pacino to Play Joe Paterno: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know
The acting legend will play the coaching legend.
Penn State Blames Neil Diamond for Child Molestations, Bans ‘Sweet Caroline’
Is Your School the Next Penn State? Cult Colleges Breed Coverups
NCAA Smacks Penn State: $60M fine, Paterno’s wins stripped since ’98
Joe Paterno Statue Joins Ranks of Toppled Evil Icons