10. Web Developer
Average salary: $70,000, according to Datamation
Desirable certifications/qualifications: Familiarity with HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, and responsive web design techniques. A degree in Design or Computer Science is often preferred, but not always essential.
What does this person do?: Designing and coding a website’s layout, often now with a focus on responsive design. May work full-time, or as an independent contractor.
Most promising quote: “As more companies offer, or greatly expand, their online retail presence, more Web developers will be needed to build the websites consumers will visit to purchase their favorite products. Increased reliance on mobile search is another reason the industry’s employment growth should remain strong in the near future, since this should lead to new opportunities to create sites for mobile devices.” — U.S. News & World Report
The Top 10 IT Jobs & Salaries for 2014