Check out the video above from Apple Investigator, which lets you go hands-on with Instagram’s new Hyperlapse app.
Here’s an except from Instagram’s blog about the new app:
“Traditionally, time lapse videos depend on holding your phone or camera still while you film. Hyperlapse from Instagram features built-in stabilization technology that lets you create moving, handheld time lapses that result in a cinematic look, quality and feel—a feat that has previously only been possible with expensive equipment.
We designed Hyperlapse to be as simple as possible. You don’t need an account to create a hyperlapse. Instead, you open up straight to the camera. Tap once to begin recording and tap again to stop.”
The new app is already getting rave reviews, with WIRED describing the app experience as being “like a $15,000 video set-up in your hand.”
For now, the app is iPhone-only, but an Android version is planned for a future release. If you’ve used this new app, tell us what you think about it in the comments below!