Meet James Holmes, Alleged ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Mass Murderer











James Holmes, a gunman calling himself “The Joker” who allegedly murdered 12 people and wounded 59 more in a shooting massacre at the Dark Knight Rises midnight premiere in Aurora, Colorado, is a former Ph.D. student in neuroscience at the University of Colorado who withdrew from school last month.

The 24-year-old from San Diego has been living in Aurora in an apartment filled with explosives and booby-traps.

According to sandiego6, Holmes graduated from Westview High in Rancho Penasquitos 2006.

Holmes attended a Biotech Boot Camp at Miramar College in 2006 where attendees learned new lab techniques as well as people skills, which apparently didn’t sink in. According to the school’s literature: “In addition, each afternoon an industry volunteer joined the students to discuss the importance of soft skills such as effective communication, workplace guidelines and expectations, and teamwork in their future careers.”

His mom, who lives in San Diego, admitted to a reporter that cops “have the right person.”

Cops say Holmes’ home is booby-trapped with sophisticated devices, and SWAT teams have surrounded his apartment and evacuated the five surrounding buildings.

According to CBS, the bomb squad is alarmed by what they see inside:

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates says bomb technicians are determining how to disarm flammable or explosive material in the third-floor apartment. … Oates says pictures from inside the apartment are fairly disturbing and the devices look to be sophisticated.

According to the 9News broadcast posted to Reddit, the booby trap is a bunch of “liter-sized soda bottles, believed to be filled with explosive or flammable materials, with wires running between all of them.”

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