A University of Michigan law school graduate has been accused of shooting at police officers in Oakland. The suspect in the sniper standoff that took place on the morning of February 17 has been named as Jesse Enjaian, 32. CBS San Francisco reports that officers came under fire from a high-powered rifle after receiving reports of shots fired along Las Vegas Avenue in the city. A nearby highway was shut down and a high school was locked down as a result of the standoff. Enjaian eventually surrendered and was taken into custody by police.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. Enjaian Is in Serious Condition After Being Wounded in the Standoff
A spokesperson for the California Highway Patrol said upon the end of the standoff that Enjaian had been “disarmed and detained.” It later emerged that the suspect was wounded and was in serious condition in a local hospital. CBS San Francisco reports that Enjaian lives at the home where the standoff took place, 9512 Las Vegas Ave in Oakland.
Oakland police spokeswoman Officer Johnna Watson told the media that Enjaian is accused of shooting at neighbors, officers and at a media helicopter. Bizarrely, CBS San Francisco reports that Enjaian spray painted eyes on a neighbor’s garage door as well as tagging a nearby car.
No officers were wounded in the shooting. There are no reports of what charges Enjaian could face as a result of the standoff. Officer Watson said about the incident, “This is extremely concerning for the Oakland police Department. We have a lot of traffic that comes through the area we also have a lot of schools in the area.”
2. In the Days Leading Up to the Standoff, Enjaian Began Spouting Race Hate on Twitter

Screengrabs from Enjaian’s now-deleted Twitter page.
In the days leading up to the standoff, Enjaian began espousing racists views on his now-deleted Twitter page. You can view a cached version here. Other messages included a response to a report about the falling value of the Mexican peso in which Enjaian wrote, “That’s English for GTFO.” Another tweet saw Enjaian post a Breitbart link accompanied by the words “Makes you think.”
3. In 2014, Enjaian Was Accused of Stalking a Former Classmate at the University of Michigan

Jesse Enjaian pictured on his Facebook page.
Courthouse News reported in January 2015 that Enjaian was suing the publisher of the National Law Journal over the headline, “Law School Alum, Accused of Stalking, Loses Suit Against U. Michigan.” Enjaian’s lawsuit against the Law Journal was thrown out, according to the article. It also reads that the alleged victim of the stalking was a former classmate of Enjaian’s at the University of Michigan.
4. He Had a Kickstarter Project for an Internet Router That Would Keep Users Anonymous Shut Down by the Fundraising Website
In October 2014, Readwrite reported that a Kickstarter started by Enjaian and his friend David Xu had been discontinued. The pair had been trying to raise money for an Internet router that allowed users to remain anonymous. It was known as TorFi. Enjaian said that Kickstarter told him they deleted his page because his product wasn’t “innovative enough.” He added:
I’m frustrated because they claim that using pre-existing routers and modifying the software is not innovative enough for their standards. I believe our idea-filled a social need and was sufficiently unique but I’m not going to challenge their decision.
According to Enjaian’s LinkedIn page, he lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and works in the computer software field.
5. While at UCLA, Enjaian Was in the ROTC Program
While a student at UCLA, Enjaian was a member of the school’s ROTC program. He told the Fall 2006 issue of the UCLA Department of Military Science newsletter:
The most important thing I learned at the camps I’ve attended, and in my Army ROTC career, is the importance of peer interaction. People follow people, not ranks.
In the Army, the leader is always held responsible for the success or failure of a mission regardless of any externalities.
Therefore, as almost all missions are team based missions, you have to earn the respect of your peers for mission success.