Two men were caught on camera stealing flowers and a Smurf doll from the makeshift memorial for the Manchester Arena suicide bombing that killed 22 people, including children. The memorial was created in St. Ann’s Square after a suicide bombing attack was carried out at an Ariana Grande concert by Islamic State sympathizer Salman Abedi.
Following the attack, ISIS celebrated online and later officially claimed the attack.
According to TMZ, Grande initially “suspended her world tour in the wake of the terrorist bombing in England.” However, Grande has since come out saying she will host a benefit concert for the victims this Sunday, June 4, in Manchester, reports ABC News.
In the video, two men are shown sitting on a bench when approached by a man and his wife. The man is filming. The man asks the two men, who appear to be immigrants or foreigners, “What are you playing at, lads?”
He then accuses the men of stealing from the memorial.
One of the men stands up, holding a Smurf doll, and says, in heavily accented English, “I like flowers. Flowers very nice.”
Another man tries to explain something in broken English.
“Put them back,” the man recording demands. “Now.”
The man accused of stealing obliges and walks the Smurf doll back to the memorial but plays dumb.
“Oh you know. You know,” the man filming says.
The accused thief walks away… still carrying the Smurf doll.