Bernie Sanders & Cardi B Tease Conversation on ‘Pressing Issues’

Bernie Sanders & Cardi B

Instagram/Cardi B Bernie Sanders & Cardi B

Bernie Sanders sat down with Cardi B recently to discuss the United States’ economy and minimum wage. The full video interview is going to be released on Thursday, August 15. Read on to see clips of their conversation and how the event came about.

In July, Cardi B Asked Her Followers Which Presidential Candidate She Should Interview

In early July, Cardi B asked her followers which Democratic candidate she should talk to if she got the chance and what she should ask. She wrote: “THIS MIGHT BE YOUR CHANCE TO GET YOUR QUESTION ANSWERED!! I would like to ask my favorite democratic candidate about police brutality. What would you like to ask? what change would you like to see in your community and in the USA? 2020 is getting very close let’s get familiar with who is running and how they can change the country! Put your questions down below and your questions may be answered very soon.”

Here’s her original post.

Then on July 26, Bernie Sanders spoke in an interview about Cardi B and how they’ve talked on the phone a couple of times.

“She comes from a humble background, she knows what it’s like to live in poverty… and she wants to make sure we can improve life for the working class,” he said.

Cardi B wrote about Sanders’ comments on Instagram: “This makes me so happy! I know my High school history teacher is so happy believe it or not guys I was in advance placement in high school for Government and history it was a subject that I learn fast cause I naturally love it! I even took more classes in college but I dropped out cause money came first and I was also a chasing dirty ass men but w.e….anyways I want us this year to get more familiar with or candidates ‘democratic my preference’ Take a little bit of our time and open our eyes on what’s going on in this country and how we can change it.” [sic]

Then on July 29, she shared that she got to sit down with Bernie Sanders and discuss political issues facing this country. She said the interview was in response to her followers’ questions and responses to her post a few weeks earlier.

She wrote: “Not me, US. Thank you Senator Bernie Sanders for sitting with me and sharing your plans on how you will change this country. A couple of weeks ago I asked my followers if you had the opportunity to have a question answered by a democratic candidate what would it be? I got a lot of submission and selected the most popular questions to get answered. Stay tuned to see how he will fight for economic, racial, and social justice for all. Together, let’s build a movement of young people to transform this country. LETS LEARN OUR CANDIDATES!” [sic]

Clips from Their Interview Have Been Released & the Full Interview Will Be Available on Thursday, August 15

Today she shared a clip of her interview with Bernie Sanders.

She wrote: “So I know this is long over due but here it is! A couple of weeks ago I asked my followers if you all had the chance to ask a Democratic candidate a question, what would that question be? The topic that was mentioned the most by all of you was about raising MINIMUM WAGE. I got the chance to ask @berniesanders about this, and these are his answers. Keep sending your questions, we will be addressing more of these soon!”

When she asked him what they were going to do about wages in America, Sanders said: “Right now we have tens of millions of people earning what could be considered to be starvation wages. Can you imagine somebody today earning $9 an hour?”

Cardi B said that making $9 an hour didn’t make any sense.

Sander said, “No it doesn’t. How do you pay your rent? How do you pay for food? How do you pay for transportation? You can’t.”

Cardi B talked about how people like to brag about how there are more jobs today “but what are they paying in these jobs?” Some of these jobs, she pointed out, are paying practically nothing. Sanders agreed and said that’s exactly the issue. People have to work two or three jobs just to survive.

“Legislation that I’ve introduced which was passed in the House recently…would raise that minimum wage to $15 an hour,” he said.

Bernie Sanders shared a clip of their interview on his Twitter page today too.

They had the interview at The Ten Nail Bar in Detroit Michigan. They talked about education, jobs, wages, police brutality, and more.

The full interview will be released on Thursday, August 15. Follow Bernie Sanders’ Twitter here or Cardi B on Instagram here to know when the interview is available.

In April, Cardi B said that was supporting Bernie Sanders for President.

In mid-July, she shared a photo on her Instagram of a magazine cover featuring “Real Progressives” that had Tulsi Gabbard’s picture photoshopped over Nancy Pelosi.

READ NEXT: Cardi B Posts Photo of ‘Real Progressives’ with Tulsi Photoshopped over Pelosi

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