Happy Democratic debate day! Tonight will be especially interesting as Mike Bloomberg returns to the debate stage, especially considering everything that happened last week. If you’re hosting a watching party, you might want to also host a drinking game or a Bingo game. Here are some ideas for tonight. The debate starts at 8 p.m. Eastern.
Drinking Game Ideas
First, here are some general ideas for the drinking game that aren’t related to specific candidates on stage.
- Take a sip if someone plugs their website. Take a second sip if the effort feels really awkward.
- Take a sip if it looks like someone’s mic is turned off.
- Take a sip if there’s any time when you feel like we could really use Yang’s MATH skills.
- Take a sip if someone is cut off by a moderator. Take a second sip if they just talk over the moderator.
- Take a sip if anyone talks about Obama. Take a shot if two or more candidates get into a fight about who Obama would like better.
- Do the same, but if the candidates are arguing about who Trump would dislike or fear the most.
- Take a sip if someone heckles the debate. Take a shot if the heckler makes the speaker stop talking.
- Take a shot if someone talks about coronavirus because that is depressing. If you need two shots, that’s OK.
- Take a sip if anyone says arguing is uncivil.
- Take a sip if someone talks about dark money.
- Take a sip if someone accuses another person of saying “Republican talking points.”
- Take a shot if anyone tries to talk in Spanish.
Now here are some ideas for specific candidates:
- Take a sip if anyone refuses to shake Bloomberg’s hand. Take a shot if the rest of the candidates refuse to shake each other’s hands.
- Take a sip if anyone compares Bloomberg to Trump or claims he’s not a real Democrat.
- Take a sip if someone asks Bloomberg about his NDAs.
- Take a shot if Warren calls Bloomberg a name.
- Take a sip if Biden steps away from his podium and leans close to another candidate. Take a shot if he actually touches another candidate.
- Take a sip if Biden acts scared of Sanders’ hand, because he does this in almost every debate.
- Take a sip if Biden gets a word wrong and it takes you a moment to figure out what he meant. Take a shot if Biden gives the wrong website or phone number.
- Take a sip if Buttigieg makes an awkward joke. Take another sip if it’s an awkward joke about his military service.
- Take a sip if anyone talks about Sanders’ Nevada win. Take a shot if anyone talks about Sanders’ winning all three of the first caucuses and primary.
- Take a sip if anyone brings up Sanders and Russia. Take a shot if Bloomberg accuses Sanders of being a Communist.
- Take a sip if anyone says a joke that’s funny enough to actually make you laugh out loud and not just cringe a little.
- Take a sip if Warren talks about taking selfies or having a plan.
- Take a sip if Klobuchar talks about all the elections she’s won.
- Take a shot if Klobuchar talks about her ex-boyfriends.
- Take a sip if Steyer talks about how different he is than the other billionaire on stage.
- Take a sip every time Steyer agrees with Sanders or says he supports him.
Remember to drink responsibly and have a designated driver or call a rideshare if you play a drinking game tonight.
Bingo Ideas
Any of the ideas above can be translated into a Bingo game card. Some ideas for terms you can include on a bingo card include:
- Medicare for all
- Russia
- Communist
- Marijuana
- Speaks in Spanish
- Minimum wage
- Immigration
- Obama
- Someone plugs their campaign website
- Hecklers
- Cut off by a moderator
- Student debt
- Socialism
- Dark money
- Hillary Clinton
- Billionaires
- Electoral college
- The DNC is rigged
- Iowa caucus
- Abortion
- Trump
- Pence
- Greta
- Top 1%
- Purity test
- Coronavirus
You can create your own bingo cards based on these ideas here.
Tonight’s Lineup
Tonight’s debate starts at 8 p.m. Eastern and it will air on CBS if you’re watching on TV. The following candidates will be in tonight’s debate:
- Joe Biden, former Vice President
- Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City
- Pete Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana
- Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota senator
- Bernie Sanders, Vermont senator
- Tom Steyer, businessman
- Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts senator
Remember to drink responsibly or take an Uber or Lyft home if you had too much to drink. There will be a lot of opportunities to drink tonight during the debates if you plan your game right.