Bret Hart was literally the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.
His quotables and squabbles with legends like Lex Luger, Yokozuna and others were memorable during his run in the WWE.
So was his in-ring attire.
He was fly!
The Excellence of Execution rocked the leather jacket, neon pink glasses, pink tights, white and black boots.
His winner’s mentality and attention to detail was the icing on the cake.
“To me personally, Bret reminded me a lot of my mom,” Hart’s niece, Georgia J. Smith told me on the Heavy Live With Scoop B Show.
“So that’s why I connected so much with Bret and that’s why I loved him so much was because I never wanted to see him get hurt because he reminded me so much of my mom a lot and I think he – and a lot of females connected to Brett and really, really loved Bret. I don’t know why that is or was but obviously, he was a good looking man and everything but, I look at Bret and he reminds me of my mom. So I don’t know, that’s just for me but, Bret was just overall…different. Like you said, he kind of had that rock star kind of look but, he was also really, really cool. He was really just a good combination; I think he was overall – with the bright pink and the black, and the music… who doesn’t love Bret’s music?”
Hart held championships in five decades from the 1970s to the 2010s, with a total of 32 held throughout his career, and 17 held between the WWF/WWE and WCW. Among other accolades, he is a five-time WWF World Heavyweight Champion and a two-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion.
There was a Hollywood appeal to Bret Hart.
From observation: he had the rockstar appeal that Hulk Hogan didn’t and in today’s wrestling circle, it would be comparable to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson-like.
Million Dollar Question: If Bret Hart would’ve stayed in the WWE, would he have been looked at in the same way as The Rock? “Honestly, I don’t know,” Georgia J. Smith tells Heavy Live With Scoop B.
“But you did make me think. Bret was also like; to this day I feel that he was a trendsetter. I feel like his glasses, like you find that on Fashion Nova, you know what I mean? You’ll see people wearing his glasses and like, he’s [Bret] been doing that for years. There were just little things that now… you know what I mean? It’s crazy. But if he were to stay in the WWE…I think that he’s talked about pretty much on the same level as The Rock. The Rock just went Hollywood so that’s the only difference. I don’t know if Bret would’ve continued to go down that Hollywood route or what he would’ve done but… yeah. I think that Bret is, was and will always be that icon. He’s going to be spoken about forever and ever and ever I feel like because his legacy will not die.”
Also the daughter of late great WWE Hall of Famer, The British Bulldog, Georgia J. Smith has been proactive in keeping her dad’s legacy alive. Head of ‘The British Bulldog’ Companies She runs the Instagram account and oversees distribution of merchandise.
It was recently revealed that the British Bulldog will be the subject of the WWE Network’s Documentary Series ‘WWE Icons’ which will be released in 2021.
Is there pressure in being born into wrestling royalty? “I mean, growing up it wasn’t so much,” said Smith.
“But now that I’m an adult it definitely has put pressure – and it’s crazy because, I was talking to someone about this recently and it’s like, people expected me to get into wrestling and it just wasn’t in the cards for me; I just had no interest and my dad didn’t want me to be in wrestling. He was a very protective dad and he didn’t want me in it. So obviously Harry, that’s what he wants to do, but like when you’re not in wrestling people expect you to like… and they ask “Why aren’t you in wrestling?” … I get it every day on social media. And people also think because I’m related to somebody, that door is just open for me and I’ve got this silver platter and Oh, she’s got this handed to her… I don’t. And since I’m not in wrestling, people are like, ‘She’s not living up to her potential…’ and then it’s like, I get flak because I’m not in wrestling and I get flak – and I WOULD get flak if I was in wrestling because if I was in wrestling, then it would be like; “Oh. She just got the job because of her family…” well it’s like, that’s not the situation. But because I’m not it’s, Why isn’t she and why can’t she… so now it’s kind of more pressure I’m feeling because I’m like, “Should I have just gone into it?” … You know what I mean? I see what Charlotte Flair (daughter of Ric Flair) or Nattie (aka Natayla; daughter of Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart) and they see how they ended up because of who they are related to; which is not the situation. But if they were to be doing regular jobs or something else, people would have something to say about that too. People just think that you can try out tomorrow and you’re gonna get it… No. That doesn’t happen. And also I’ve tried out for WWE and tried out for an on camera role and didn’t get it. So it doesn’t matter!”
Bret Hart, The Rock Talked about ‘Pretty Much’ on Same Level Says Niece