DWTS Alum’s Estranged Spouse Alleges Desire for Baby Prompted Quest for Revenge

Jeezy Jeannie Mai Baby

Heavy Jeezy alleges Jeannie Mai wanted another baby.

The estranged spouse of a former “Dancing with the Stars” contestant has made new claims as the couple’s tense divorce proceeds. Rapper Jeezy filed for divorce from season 29 DWTS contestant Jeannie Mai in September 2023, notes Us Weekly.

Recent allegations from Jeezy suggest Mai wanted them to have a second child, even after he indicated he wanted to split.

Here’s what you need to know:

 Jeezy Claims Jeannie Mai’s Abuse Allegations Come From a Desire for Revenge

On May 3, TMZ reported new details found in a court filing from Jeezy’s team. Jeezy, whose real name is Jay Wayne Jenkins, claimed Mai wanted a second child before the couple split.

In addition, Jeezy alleges that Mai’s allegations of child neglect and domestic violence against him are her attempt to exact revenge for his refusal to have another child with her.

The media outlet reviewed the court documents, which included screenshots of text messages between Mai and Jeezy. The screenshots shared by TMZ were from April 2022 and January 2023.

The screenshots showed Mai tracking her cycle and highlighting the days that provided the best opportunity to conceive. “Welp. Tomorrow is when my eggs do what they do so u got one job capn,” she wrote in one case.

TMZ noted Jeezy argues that if he was as abusive as she has claimed, why was she so eager to have another child with him?

Jeezy’s filing indicated he was resistant to having another child with Mai. In addition, the paperwork noted he had told Mai in June 2023 that he had divorce documents drafted already. He alleged he told her he would be filing for divorce if their marriage did not improve.

In addition, Jeezy claimed that after the divorce threat, Mai considered conceiving via in-vitro fertilization.

Jeezy Indicates the Couple Tried for a 2nd Baby for a Year

People also reviewed the court filing from Jeezy’s team. The filing indicated that Mai and Jeezy tried for “over a year” to conceive a second child naturally.

After learning of his intent to file for divorce, Jeezy’s team alleged the “Dancing with the Stars” alum first connected with her regular doctor about doing in-vitro fertilization. The process would have required Jeezy’s consent.

“The Petitioner had to contact the doctor directly in August 2023 to let her know that he would not be participating in the fertilization of any additional eggs with the Respondent,” the court documents indicated, per People.

Attorneys for Jeezy allege that the allegations coming from Mai emerged “all because the Petitioner declined to have a second baby with her, and the Petitioner decided to file this divorce action.”

“If [he] were so violent as the Respondent claims, why would she want to have a second child with him? If the Petitioner were so irresponsible and created such an unsafe environment for the parties’ minor child, why would the Respondent desperately want to have a second baby with the Petitioner? The answer is because the Petitioner is not violent, and the Petitioner is not irresponsible,” Jeezy’s team suggested.

The filing also alleged the “Dancing with the Stars” alum “introduced strife, physical and emotional abuse, and volatility into the parties’ marriage.”

Mai and Jeezy both have passionate supporters backing them as the divorce intensifies.

“You seem like a great mother. Emotional intelligent and kind. You’ll raise a great human,” one of Mai’s fans shared on a recent Instagram post.

“She could never make us hate you Jeeze,” a fan of his declared on Instagram.