Chelsea Houska DeBoer’s Little Girl Gets Fans Gushing

Chelsea Houska DeBoer

YouTube Chelsea Houska DeBoer shares a tour of her home on "Teen Mom."

“Teen Mom” fans had plenty to say over a recent social media post from former franchise personality Chelsea Houska DeBoer. She is raising four children with her husband, Cole DeBoer, and it was the couple’s youngest child who was recently causing a stir in the best of ways.

Here’s what you need to know:

Chelsea Houska DeBoer’s Daughter Walker Was the Star of the Show

As People notes, the “Teen Mom” stars have Aubree, who is Chelsea’s daughter with former beau Adam Lind, along with son Watson Cole and daughters Layne Ettie and Walker June. The DeBoer family grew rapidly once Cole joined the crew, with the three youngest arriving in 2017, 2018, and 2021. It was Walker June, who soon celebrates her second birthday, who was featured in a short string of Instagram stories on Chelsea’s Instagram page earlier in the week.

The cutie sang a little song as she sat on the carpet in the family’s home, and she looked precious as she played with a water bottle, smiled, and wore an adorable white outfit covered in black flowers. The toddler also wore sparkly studs in her pierced ears that could be seen with her light brown hair worn short over her ears. A couple of screenshots from the Instagram story were shared in the “Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2” Reddit sub, and quite a few franchise fans commented on the post.

‘Teen Mom’ Fans Were Struck by How Much She Resembles Her Big Brother

“Those 3 kids are triplets born separately…wow do they look the same!!!” declared one Redditor who was referring to Walker, Layne, and Watson.

“She’s the girl Watson!! But they are both so individual and adorable,” added another poster.

“Uhh that’s not Watson? It’s insane how much all these kids look alike. They’re so adorable,” questioned someone else. Another “Teen Mom” fan responded, “No Watson is almost 6 years old,” and noted her daughter’s birthday is almost the same as Watson’s. It just so happens that Watson and Walker share the same birthday, January 25. Chelsea and her daughter Layne also share a birthday, August 29, noted MTV.

While there was a clear consensus among “Teen Mom” fans that Walker was a cutie, a few commenters noted their dismay the toddler’s ears are pierced.

“She’s stinking adorable. I hate that they pierced her poor little ears already though,” read one comment.

“Earrings on a baby will never be cute to me. Yuck,” added another critic.

“Yeah I’m not a fan of piercing a baby’s ears, but I take it out on the parents. Walker is cute,” admitted someone else.

One Redditor suggested Walker looked like “Glamma Mary,” Chelsea’s mom, while another broke out Walker’s looks very specifically in a different way.

“Watson with a mullet lol. I think they both smile like Aubree too. But after seeing the photo of Cole as a child in the Down Home Fab sneak peek, no doubt Walker is his carbon copy.”

Chelsea and Cole’s new series, “Down Home Fab,” debuts on HGTV on January 16. The former “Teen Mom” star recently told Heavy how she and her husband landed the six-episode series, and she noted she’s “just proud” of the show. “It feels so rewarding,” the reality television entertainer and mom of four admitted, adding, “It was fun to just be myself.”