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Trista Sutter Expresses Frustration With Producers: ‘They’ve Never Listened’

Getty Trista Sutter.

Even though the original Bachelorette, Trista Rehn Sutter, told Variety “I’m sure the younger demographics probably have no clue who I am,” anyone who really knows the show knows her.

In an August 23 interview with the outlet, Sutter dove deep into how much the show has changed since she starred as the first Bachelorette in 2003.

Although she is still a huge fan of the show, Sutter would love to be an advisor or a consultant so that “The Bachelor” franchise could get back to its original roots.  She and husband Ryan had a fairy tale romance that was supposed to set the pace for the future of the franchise. They are still happily married with two beautiful children. But Sutter, like many fans, is disappointed with some of the turns the show has taken.

The Sources of Her Frustration

Sutter has been watching Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia’s season of “The Bachelorette” with her 13-year-old daughter. Although her daughter loves the show – especially the fact that she might not exist without it – Sutter does not like that this season, “there’s been a lot of extra unnecessary confusion and hurt feelings. I’m not a fan of that.”

Husband Ryan, who Sutter met on the show, hardly watches it anymore at all, she told Variety. When he does catch a glimpse, he mocks it, she said. Her daughter thinks it’s hilarious when Ryan mimics the participants, saying things like, “Now, can we make out? Oh yeah, we had such a fun day today. Can we make out?”

Trista continued, “And I’m like, ‘Stop it, that’s not what it’s about!’ But I realized there’s some truth to it. For my season, I kissed four guys. It’s now become pretty standard to be like, ‘Oh, we just met. Can we kiss just to see?’ It’s speed dating on steroids.”

Sutter is also frustrated with the casting process. “They’ve never listened,” she said about producers. “Not that they should because I’m not a producer — but I feel like they should pluck someone out of obscurity again. Find someone successful, endearing, charming, intelligent, sweet, and attractive.”

The podcast host conceded, “I get that they have these people who have been on the show and have a following. Viewers have a vested interest in seeing that they find love. The recycling part of it has some benefits. But I would really love to see someone we all could fall in love with together.”

Despite her aggravations, Sutter remains optimistic about the franchise. When Variety asked her “Do you think people no longer go on the show to find love, only to gain influence and status on social media?” Sutter responded, “No. I wouldn’t watch the show if I thought everyone was ready to become an influencer.”

Sutter went on to say, “I get that people do that and I understand it’s kind of a draw for some people…Call me crazy, but there are people who go on the show that do just want to meet someone…I think there are still people who are like me and Ryan, who are there for the right reasons. I’ll always think that.”

Sutter Revealed Whether She Thinks the Show Would Still Exist Without Her & Ryan

One question Variety seemed intent on getting answered was whether Sutter feels responsible for “The Bachelor” franchise’s continued success. The interviewer asked, “Have you given much thought to how your marriage legitimized the franchise? I’ve wondered, for instance, if you two weren’t successful and happy together, would the show have persisted this long.”

Sutter responded with uncertainty. “No one can know for sure,” she stated, “but I don’t know that it could have been successful. If it wasn’t us, it would’ve had to be somebody else. Because I do feel like in those middle years, the franchise needed some kind of legitimacy. I do feel like we helped.”

The 49-year-old explained, “One of the questions we’ve frequently been asked over the years is, ‘Have you ever felt pressured to stay together?’ I don’t appreciate that. No, we haven’t. I live my life for me and for my husband and our family. We’ve never felt pressured to stay together to provide legitimacy to the show. But without a legitimate or a successful relationship from someone, I don’t believe the show would have been able to last as long as it has.”

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More Heavy on The Bachelor News

In a recent interview, Trista Sutter dove deep into how much the show has changed since she starred as the first Bachelorette in 2003.