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17 Best Gold Nail Polish Colors: Your Buying Guide

Gold nail polish feel luxe and glamorous. Whether it’s a full-on mirrored chrome, smooth solid shade, large flecks of glitter, or color-shifting holographic sparkles, these polishes add glitz and glamour to any look. And if you’re obsessed with shine, don’t forget to check out holographic nail polish.

Let’s look at the best and shiniest out there today.

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Is There An Easy Way to Remove Metallic Polishes?

One thing all metallic polishes have in common is that they can truly be a pain to remove. Like glitter nail polish, metallics can have you scrubbing at your nails for what feels like hours and leave you surrounded by a pile of sparkly cotton balls.

All this hassle can leave us tempted to chip off the offending polish to try to avoid the mess and annoyance of remover, but resist that urge! When you chip off your nail polish, you're often taking the top layer of your fingernail with it. Over time, this leads to thin, weak nails. So are you doomed to eternal scrubbing if you love your metallic polish? Not at all.

The easiest way to remove metallic and glitter nail polish is with a good nail polish remover, some aluminum foil, and time. Apply some nail polish remover to a cotton ball or small bit of paper towel and apply it to the offending polish.

Wrap your fingernail, cotton ball and all, in a small piece of tin foil and wait two to four minutes. The tin foil holds the remover close against your nail and keeps the remover from evaporating and losing its power.

After you've waited a few minutes, your polish should come off completely with just a few swipes. Be sure to moisturize your nails and skin after using this method as some removers can dry your skin out.

Why Does My Metallic Polish Look Lumpy?

Chrome polishes that are going for a metallic, mirror-like shine rely on the surface they're on being completely smooth--but not all nails are smooth.

My nails certainly aren't. I've got lots of ridges thanks to an autoimmune disease so whenever I wear a metallic, frosted, or multichrome nail polish, the lines show up clear as day under my polish. 

The best way around this is to use a ridge-filling base coat that covers up your ridges and provides an even surface for your polish. Depending on your nails and how much the lines bother you, it may take two coats of base to fill your ridges. I'm currently using Seche Base Ridge Filling Base Coat.