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35 Best Holiday Face Masks You’ll LOVE

With the holidays officially upon us, now’s the time to get those seasonal looks on point and stock up on some spirited and festive accessories – including some fashionable holiday face masks.

Our list of the best and most stylish holiday masks includes quality face coverings suitable for women, men, and children. From festive patterns to classic prints to what some designers are calling their “Ugly Christmas Masks Collection,” there are dozens of Instagram-ready looks available for the whole family. There are even matching options available in case you want the whole family looking feeling festive together.

So, whether you’re rocking pajamas while answering the door, or running around town checking things off your family’s gift lists, these holiday face masks will have you feeling safe and looking great.

Price: $ – $
35 Listed Items

Mask-Up This Holiday Season

It's important that we all do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19, and as we all prepare to enter the holiday season, it's even more important that everyone continues their individual efforts. 

At this time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone wears a cloth mask or face covering while in public. The CDC also suggests that masks featuring two or more layers of breathable and washable fabric, such as cotton, are the most ideal. And, if a mask has more than two layers of fabric, even better. 

Almost all of the featured styles on our list of the best holiday face masks have at least two layers of fabric, with most featuring three or four. We've noted the number of layers and whether or not there's a space for an optional filter in each listing.

Full disclosure: those fun face masks from Pop Funk's "Ugly Christmas Masks Collection," only have one layer and are definitely more of a decorative style.

Regardless of which holiday face mask you choose, just make sure it covers your nose and mouth and helps you flaunt your holiday spirit.

Celebrate The Season Safely

As the holiday season approaches, many of us are contemplating how best to celebrate. Is it safe to gather? Keep the group small and limit it to just immediate family and those in your social bubble? Do we even try at all?

There are many questions that we all face, and while only you and your family can answer them for yourselves, the CDC has some great recommendations.

While picking up holiday face masks is a great start, please consider the following as you're thinking about your seasonal plans:

Your Community - how prevalent is COVID-19 in your neck of the woods? Are numbers spiking? Know anyone who's been infected? These are all valid and important questions to ask yourself as opening up your home, visiting someone else's, or even running errands are all potential exposure points.

Location, Location, Location - are you gathering indoors? Outdoors? Can you all stay six feet apart? Again, these are all important questions to ask yourself. It's been shown that COVID-19 can be transmitted through the air, especially in enclosed and indoor spaces that lack proper ventilation. So, just be mindful of where you're throwing this potential shindig as it might help you choose what to do.

People - think about who you want to celebrate with. Is it a large group? Have they all been practicing key social distancing measures? Knowing who you're gathering with, and how many people you're gathering with, is an incredibly important factor.

No matter what you and your family choose to do, it's important that you feel safe.

Fashion Meets Function

The fashion statement no one saw coming: face masks. This year threw the ultimate curveball and while we're all learning to live in our new normal, designers are as well.

One of the biggest trends we've seen from designers at all levels is the manufacturing of fashionable face masks. Patterns, colors, and unique styles - it's truly inspiring. And, when you think about it, masks are an opportunity for self-expression.

Love dogs? Show it. Have loads of school pride? Flaunt it. Love Christmas? There are a lot of fun and festive holiday face masks to pick from!

And, while these cute and fashionable holiday face masks are sure to show off your enthusiasm for the season, if you're looking for some options that keep you warm while braving the elements, check out this incredible list of stylish winter face masks!

See Also:

Best Last-Minute Christmas Gifts For Mom

Best Matching Family Christmas Pajamas

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Looking for the ultimate accessory this season? Check out our list of the best and most festive holiday face masks perfect for adults and children.