The Whisper of the Worm is the newest exotic introduced into Destiny 2 and obtaining it is no walk in the park. Discovered early last week, this weapon requires players to complete a very difficult mission in under 20 minutes. However, how long this mission is actually available has been up for debate since its introduction, causing many to theorize this was a limited time event.
Thankfully, the window to get this gun isn’t as punishing as others from the original Destiny. Bungie confirmed early this morning on Twitter that players will only have 12 hours left to obtain Destiny 2’s version of the Black Spindle, After that, users will need to wait a week before they can obtain this weapon again. This means the exotic is not tied to the Flashpoint and is just on a rotation like Iron Banner or the Faction Rallies.
However, Bungie has not confirmed if this will be a bi-weekly event or if this will affect the Heroic version of the mission. If you are planning on getting this gun we highly recommend trying to obtain it today – especially since a ton of shortcuts have been discovered. Since we don’t know if many of these shortcuts were intentional, you will want to try and finish it before the quest vanishes.
We will update this post as more information about this quest’s availability becomes revealed.
Here’s When Destiny 2’s Black Spindle (The Whisper) Quest Ends