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Last Wish Raid Unlock Time in Destiny 2 Forsaken

The big event in Destiny 2 Forsaken is almost here! With many spending countless hours grinding to raise their Light level, the moment of truth is right around the corner. Dubbed “Last Wish,” this raid has players venturing deep into the Dreaming City to kill a powerful beast that’s corrupting the area around it. There has been a lot of speculation about what players would face, even if the end boss is fairly obvious due to the Forsaken story.

If you want to hop into the Last Wish raid then you will want to be around 550 Light. We suggest the minimum Light you attempt the raid at is around 443-445 to ensure that you can still deal a decent amount of damage. Anything lower and you’ll just be holding your team back. Since Last Wish will boast a lot of bosses, this means being able to output a lot of damage will be key.

For those looking to hop into this activity as soon as possible, the Last Wish raid unlocks at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET. This time is for all versions of Destiny 2 Forsaken, so make sure you spend your time wisely gearing up. Before going into the raid we highly suggest stocking up on infusion materials since you’ll be getting high-level drops.

The race for “World’s First Completion” begins tomorrow. It will be interesting to see who nabs this title first, especially with the large influx of players thanks to Forsaken. Who do you think is going to finish the raid first? Let us know in the comments!

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