GO Fest 2020 Welcome Special Research Quest: Step-by-Step Guide

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As part of Pokemon GO Fest 2020, players virtually attending the event will get a Special Research quest, GO Fest 2020: Welcome, to complete for day one of the fest.

While the event isn’t live in the United States yet, users on The Silph Road subreddit have been compiling reports of the quest since the event is now live in New Zealand.

Unlike past Special Research quests, you have seven tasks to complete before you can move on to the next steps. However, so far only one page of the quest has been documented. We don’t yet know if there are more tasks after that.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for GO Fest 2020: Welcome. We will update the guide as we learn more about the quest.

Step 1

Take a Snapshot of your Buddy – 10 Incense
Use an Incense – 200 Great Balls
Catch 20 fire-type Pokemon – Pokemon encounter
Catch 20 water-type Pokemon – Pokemon encounter
Catch 20 grass-type Pokemon – Pokemon encounter
Battle in 2 Raids – Pokemon encounter
Make a new friend – Pokemon encounter

Completion Reward: 10,000 Stardust, 10,000 XP & 2 Lucky Eggs

Tip: If you’re having trouble finding friends, look on social media – especially dedicated Pokemon GO pages for your local area – for people offering friend codes. Makes sure not to share personal information.

Remember to use a Star Piece and a Lucky Egg before accepting the completion reward for even more Stardust and XP. If you don’t have enough room in your item bag, don’t worry as it will just overfill it without deleting any items. However, you can’t spin Pokestops unless your item count is lower than your bag limit.

See also: