First Look at Fortnite Winterfest 2020 Battle Bus Leaks

fortnite winterfest battle bus
Epic Games

While there has been nothing formally announced as of yet, it seems like a good bet that Fortnite’s Winterfest event will be returning this year.

This is always an exciting time of year for Fortnite as it usually results in a lot of free cosmetics and gives players some exciting things to explore on the map.

We’re already seeing trees being chopped down on the map as Epic prepares for the holiday season, so we can likely expect Winterfest to show up as early as the new update.

It’s expected that this week will bring us the v15.10 update, so we have that to look forward to. Ahead of Winterfest’s launch, it appears that we already have a look at what the Battle Bus will be transformed into.

Fortnite Winterfest Battle Bus

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Thanks to Fortnite leaker TweaBR, we have a look at the upcoming Battle Bus, but there is one major thing to point out. This is actually the Winterfest 2019 bus and it seems to be an educated guess that the same bus will be used this time too.

That’s not exactly out of the realm of possibilities, as the Fortnitemares bus was the same as last year, so this could very well be the same thing too.

Of course, we’ll find out for certain once Winterfest actually rolls around.

When is Winterfest?

We’re likely just days out from this annual Fortnite event from happening, so we’ll just have to remain patient.

There have been many holiday skins already hitting the Item Shop, so it’s clear that Epic Games is definitely in the spirit, and there are even more skins that are on the way.

Winterfest will likely introduce more into the mix, and there should also be some free goodies players will be able to get their hands on.

Of course, nothing is set in stone, so remember to take any leaks with a grain of salt.

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First Look at Fortnite Winterfest 2020 Battle Bus Leaks

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