Congressional staffer Christian LaBella had to learn the hard way — if you pick up Lindsay Lohan in a bar and go back to her hotel room with her, you’re going to pick up some drama along the way.
It’s not clear exactly what happened in Lohan’s W Hotel Union Square room. But somehow she and LaBella ended up there early Sunday morning after meeting in the trendy 10ak club — and that’s where she says he attacked her when they got into a tussle over his cellphone.
Lindsay Lohan & a GOP Congressional staffer walk into a bar. The bartender says “Is this a joke?”
— Gerry Duggan (@GerryDuggan) October 1, 2012

“Lindsay was assaulted early this morning in a New York hotel. While she did sustain some injuries, she was not hospitalized. The assailant was arrested and is currently in police custody. Lindsay has spoken with police and is fully cooperating with the investigation.”
LaBella is a staff worker for Illinois Republican Rep. John Shimkus. The lawmaker’s spokesman Steven Tomaszewski confirmed to media that LaBella was working in the congressman’s Washington office but declined further comment. He also said Shimkus didn’t condone the actions.
Lohan told the detectives that at about 4:30 a.m. she saw pictures of her on LaBella’s phone (and really, what guy would go to Lindsay’s room and not take a photo or two to prove he was there?) She confronted him over the photos and says LaBella threw her on the bed and scratched up her hands.
She ran out of the room but then came back, and she told police he attacked her, threw her to the ground and choked her. One of Lohan’s friends was there and pulled LaBella off her, and she pulled the fire alarm for help. He ran off down the stairs and police arrived before he left the hotel and arrested him for assault and harassment.
Funny thing, though. Just two days ago, Lindsay was tweeting about, of all things, the dangers of sexual or physical abuse.
Don’t be afraid to speak to someone about verbal, sexual, or any kind of physical abuse. It’s your life & you are in control of your destiny
— Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) September 28, 2012
Coincidence? Or publicity as her bio-pix Liz and Dick gets closer to coming out?
Anyway, the incident is just one of a series of incidents involving Lohan, who earlier this month was charged with leaving the scene of an accident after she allegedly picked off a pedestrian while she was driving a borrowed Porsche.
Yes, someone let her borrow their car. Imagine that.
LaBella and Lohan are free to file charges against each other — but she better help none of them stick. She’s still on probation from 2011, when she stole a $2,500 necklace from a jewelry store.