AOL Music is Shutting Down, Entire Staff Laid Off


According to Tweets sent out by AOL Music employees, AOL Music is shutting its doors and letting go of its staff. AOL Music consisted of several genre-sites including Spinner and The Boombox. AOL acquired Spinner as part of its $400 million acquisition in 1999. Spinner’s official Twitter announced “AOL Music is shutting down. Thank you all for your support. We had such a blast.” This Tweet was removed instantly before it could be retweeted.

AOL Spinner’s Editor Dan Reilly just said, “Well, we all just got laid off. AOL Music is finished.”

The Boombox’s Editor Paul Cantor wrote, “Just lost my job. Actually I’m in the room losing it right this second, while tweeting. So yeah, hit me with any opportunities.”

According to, AOL didn’t comment on the story.

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