Teenager Fatally Impaled on Horn of Campus Bull Statue

Bull Impaling Teen Texas

A 14-year-old boy is dead after he ran into a Texas Tech University‘s bull statue and a horn impaled his chest. According to Fox News, the teenager — Migual Martinez — fatally wounded himself with the mascot while playing hide-and-seek early Saturday morning. Miguel had been staying the night with his best friend Jeremy when at approximately 3 a.m Jeremy’s family and the deceased teen went for a walk where he tripped over one of the lights, lost his balance and went straight into the bull’s horn. Martinez’ mother, Judice Leseburg was out of town when Martinez was died.

teen impaled bull

Martinez’s friend Jeremy held his friend until authorities arrived at the scene. “I put my jacket over him he was laying down. I just held him tight and told him I loved him.” In an interview with reporters, Jeremy pledged to make his best friend’s dreams come true, “I’m going to do everything for him because his dream was to go to the NFL and he couldn’t have that dream, so I’m going to make it happen.”

People are now concentrating around the statue with posters which read “Rest in Peace Miguel”, promising to never forget. Judith and her family have let go of anger and currently are raising money to put Miguel to rest. Although police are launching an investigation, the tragedy is believed to be an accident.

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