There are so many baby items on the market today. This can make it hard to know what’s necessary, what’s convenient, and what’s just going to be clutter in the nursery or living room. And while you know you need burp cloths and maybe a baby mobile, the value of some baby products is only obvious when you’re trying to soothe a screaming baby at 3 in the morning. Here are 10 amazing baby items that every mom will love.
1. A Boppy or Nursing Pillow
The Boppy pillow has been a popular item on baby registries for years because it’s convenient for nursing and also great for helping babies learn to sit up when they get a little older. But don’t constrain yourself to the Boppy brand alone, especially if twins are on the way. The reality is that while a Boppy is great, it’s not the best for nursing twins – they will need to eat at the same time and it won’t offer the necessary support. Instead, try the Twin Z Pillow. Designed by a mother of twins, this pillow will get the job done.
Buy a boppy or read customer reviews here.
2. A White Noise Machine
Some babies can sleep through thunderstorms, phone calls, barking dogs, and Armageddon, while others are delicate sleepers who wake up when the floorboard across the hall creaks. For these sensitive little ones, a white noise machine is a must. A traditional plug-in machine will do the trick and can be stationed in the baby’s room or outside their door, but there are also other options. The Cloud b Sleep Sheep can help little ones get some shuteye no matter where they are. This snuggly white noise toy clips to car seats and strollers or can attach to the crib or bassinet, offering a consistent, soothing soundscape.
Buy a white noise machine or read customer reviews here.
3. Teething Toys
Sure, your little one won’t be sprouting teeth in the first few days after birth, but when that day comes, it will be a relief to have some of these on hand. These chewable, textured toys may be the only thing that can stop a screaming, unhappy baby. Try some massaging teething toys as well as toys with hard and stuffed textures and get some freezable options as well. You never know which one will do the trick.
Buy this teether or read customer reviews here.
4. A Comfy Chair
Every nursery needs a really comfortable chair, but don’t limit the options to what you can get at Babies R Us or another baby store. Not every mom is a glider person and plenty will attest to the uncomfortable nature of some of the gliders available. Whatever it is, it should be comfortable enough to sleep in because it’s likely that mom – or dad – will be doing a lot of that. Something with a reclining option is especially nice for those long nights.
Buy this rocking chair or read customer reviews here.
5. CDs
Some babies won’t go for the white noise or maybe you’re looking for something for playtime or the car. Get some lullaby CDs but also look into some of the unique music options on the market. Did you know that some independent bands have put together really great children’s music compilations? The Barenaked Ladies have recorded an entire album of tunes for kids in addition to their usual fare.
Buy this CD or read customer reviews here.
6. A Nail Filer
Babies have notoriously sharp nails, which is why some infants wear mittens, even in summer. First time moms often find the process of clipping an infant’s fingernails terrifying because it’s so easy to clip them too short or accidentally cause a small cut in the surrounding skin. A nail filer prevents this issue and also results in a smoother nail that is less likely to snag on clothing.
Buy these baby nail files or read customer reviews here.
7. A Baby Sling
When we think about baby carrier options, most think of the clunky baby backpacks or front carriers mother’s can tote their newborns around in. These backpacks are less than ideal, however, because they offer limited options for carrying a baby and most mom’s find them pretty uncomfortable. Baby slings are way more versatile and allow mom to carry the baby in a variety of positions.
Buy this baby sling or read customer reviews here.
8. A Portable High Chair
The standard high chairs on the market are big, cushioned, and take up way too much space for most people’s dining areas. And since your child will be mostly self-supporting by the time they really need one of these chairs, all of the different positioning options are more than you really need. Get something small and portable instead. A little foldout chair can be placed on any regular kitchen chair, brought to restaurants, or toted to the grandparents’ house for Thanksgiving dinner.
Buy this portable high chair or read customer reviews here.
9. A Side Sleeper
There are a lot of rules when it comes to putting babies to sleep, the very first of which is that infants should always be put to sleep on their backs. Unfortunately, a lot of babies don’t really like to sleep this way. Still, putting them to sleep on their stomach isn’t an option because it’s a health risk. Instead, invest in a side sleeper. This nifty little contraption props infants on their sides without pillows or other dangerous bedding items. It’s a great compromise when it comes to sleeping positions.
Buy this slide sleeper or read customer reviews here.
10. A Diaper Bag That Doesn’t Look Like a Diaper Bag
Moms carry around a lot of stuff. More stuff than anyone without kids can possibly imagine, even for short outings. But what adult really wants to carry an ugly bag with Peter Rabbit pictures all over it? There are plenty of diapers bags on the market with a lot more style than that, they’ll get the job done, and they’ll make mom feel like a real grown-up and not just a supply horse.