Democrat Presidential Polls & Probabilities: Who’s Really Ahead?

Martin O'Malley, 1%

Former mayor of Baltimore and Maryland governor, O'Malley is considered a longshot for the nomination with his 1 percent polling average and 2.7 percent in the prediction markets. O’Malley’s national press secretary Haley Morris said, “I think Governor O’Malley is making an aggressive case for himself and his record of actions, not words. He’s emphasizing the real choices we have -- on issues like gun safety, immigration reform, Wall Street, Social Security etc. Democrats want a nominee who will be best to build on President Obama’s legacy,” according to ABC. While mayor, one of his biggest accomplishments was reducing the crime rate as well as implemented CitiStat, a system that tracked how well Baltimore’s government was serving its citizens, according to his bio. O'Malley, who actually endorsed Clinton in her 2008 campaign, is a father of four and even formed a rock band in the 80s called "O'Malley's March." (Getty)

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