Hillary Clinton went after Donald Trump on Tuesday for his comments following the Orlando attack, which was the deadliest shooting in U.S. History. The former secretary of state called his response “shameful.”
Clinton criticized the speech Trump gave on Monday in Manchester, N.H., in which he described President Obama and Clinton’s policies on extremists as “incompetent” and “politically correct.”
She also addressed Trump’s implications that Obama was somehow involved in the Orlando attack. During an interview on Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends,” Trump said that the president “doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands … this man has no clue.”
In response, Clinton said:
Even in a time of divided politics, this is way beyond anything that should be said by someone running for president of the United States. What Donald Trump is saying is shameful. It is disrespectful to the people who were killed and wounded and their families, and it is yet more evidence that he is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be commander in chief.
She added that Trump’s comments will be “a recruiting tool for ISIS.”
Clinton spoke at a labor union hall in Pittsburgh, where she also used the opportunity to call for a national ban on assault weapons.