Is there a gift that a child can give a single parent that will say “thank you” for all of the sacrifices they’ve made over the years? Honestly, the answer is no. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try your best to show them your appreciation.
Whether it’s a birthday, holiday, or special occasion, it can help to have some ideas. Here are a few things to get your creative juices flowing:
1. Gift Certificates
What do you get the parent who has everything? A gift certificate, of course! A gift certificate is much more appropriate than cash, but essentially serves the same purpose. It allows them to pick out their very own gift from a store they love. Make sure you include a card with a handwritten note to make it more personal. If you need some ideas, here’s a list of the most popular gift cards in 2015.
2. Framed Family Portraits
If there’s one thing every parent loves, it’s pictures of their children and grandchildren. Instead of simply texting them a picture like you normally do, pick out a picture (or multiple pictures) that you know they like and then have them professionally framed. Another idea is to create a photo book with lots of different images you’ve compiled from over the years. The great thing about these gifts is that they’ll become even more special over the years. Did you wait until the last minute? Here’s how to create a photo book fast.
3. Dating Profile
“Sometimes a gift is just a gift. And sometimes it can open up a big ol’ can of worms,” writer Anthonia Akitunde warns. “Know your mom is trying to lose weight? Those gym shoes or membership, while thoughtful, could hit a sore spot; same with the cooking lessons if a regular family joke is that she can’t even boil water.” This serves as a reminder to think carefully about how a gift will be received.
However, if you know that your parent rarely takes offense, and they’re single, consider giving them the gift of an online dating profile. Many single parents want to return to the dating scene, but aren’t sure how to do so. By developing a profile for them, you can make the process much easier. Making them a profile also shows that you’re ready for them to date again.
4. Vacations
There’s nothing better than getting a trip, vacation, or weekend getaway as a gift. Why not block out some time, and travel somewhere together that you’ve always wanted to go? Or perhaps revisit a familiar place that you haven’t been to in a while. Vacations, while expensive, can be the perfect gift to show your parent that you miss them and want to spend more time with them.
5. Subscription Boxes
Want to give a gift that keeps on giving? Try a subscription box. Subscription boxes are great because they provide value and excitement for months on end. Not sure which subscription box your parent would like? Here are a few ideas for mom. As you can see, there are subscription boxes ranging from eco-friendly beauty products and healthy snacks to clothing and craft supplies. In other words, there’s something for everyone!
Remember That Nothing Replaces Quality Time
While these are all great gifts, remember that nothing replaces quality time. Sending a gift through the mail is certainly a nice gesture that will be warmly received by your parent, but don’t assume that the best gift is always something tangible.
Surprising your parent with dinner, going on a shopping trip, or spending the weekend with them is often much more appreciated than a box with a bow. Keep this in mind and make sure you let your parent know that they’re appreciated.