9/11 Pentagon Victims: Who Died at the Pentagon on September 11?

national pentagon memorial

A scene from the Pentagon Memorial. (Facebook/National Pentagon Memorial)

President Barack Obama is giving a memorial speech at the Pentagon on the 15th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

However, the Pentagon attack is sometimes overshadowed by the attack in New York and over a Pennsylvania field. It’s important to give equal remembrance to those who lost their lives in the Pentagon.

See a video from the scene of the attack here.

Who died in the Pentagon on 9/11? How many lost their lives?

According to the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial, “One-hundred-and-eighty-four lives were lost at the Pentagon that day. They were men, women, and children. They were mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, daughters and sons. They came from all walks of life: administrative assistants, doctors, educators, flight crew members, military leaders, scientists, and students. They came from towns and cities, large and small, across the United States and around the world. The youngest was only three years old; the oldest, 71.”

The 184 total does include the passengers on the hijacked airplane that crashed into the building.

It took less than one year to repair the damage to the Pentagon building, the memorial says, but the lives lost will have ripple effects forever.

Who were those who died?

The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial has posted complete biographies of all of those who died in the Pentagon on its website. You can read those biographies here. They also include photographs.

Freedom Files has posted a list of victims broken down by their assignment.

The Washington Post has a database with stories on each one of the Pentagon victims. You can read those stories here.

For a list of names and biographies of those who died on Flight 93, click here. CNN has posted a list of everyone who died in New York in the attack on the World Trade Center. Read it here.

The full list of those who died in the Pentagon is as follows:

1. Paul Wesley Ambrose
2. Craig S. Amundson
3. Melissa Rose Barnes
4. Max Beilke
5. Yemen Betru
6. Kris Romeo Bishundat
7. Carrie Blagburn
8. Canfield D. Boone
9. Mary Jane Booth
10. Donna Bowen
11. Allen Boyle
12. Bernard Brown
13. Christopher Lee Burford
14. Charles Burlingame
15. Daniel Martin Caballero
16. Jose Orlando Calderon
17. Suzanne Calley
18. Angelene C. Carter
19. Sharon S. Carver
20. William Caswell
21. John Chada
22. Rosemary Chapa
23. David Charlebois
24. Sarah M. Clark
25. Julian Cooper
26. Asia Cottom
27. Eric Allen Cranford
28. Ada Davis
29. James Debeuneure
30. Gerald F. DeConto
31. Rodney Dickens
32. Jerry D. Dickerson
33. Eddie Dillard
34. Johnnie Doctor Jr.
35. Cmdr. Robert Edward Dolan
36. William Howard Donovan Jr.
37. Charles Droz
38. Patrick Dunn
39. Edward Thomas Earhart
40. Barbara G. Edwards
41. Robert Randolph Elseth
42. Charles S. Falkenberg
43. Dana Falkenberg
44. Zoe Falkenberg
45. Jamie Lynn Fallon
46. James Joe Ferguson
47. Amelia Fields
48. Gerald P. Fisher
49. Darlene ‘Dee’ Flagg
50. Wilson ‘Bud’ Flagg
51. Matthew Flocco
52. Sandra Foster
53. Richard Gabriel
54. Capt. Lawrence D. Getzfred
55. Cortz Ghee
56. Brenda C. Gibson
57. Ron Golinski
58. Ian J. Gray
59. Diane Hale-McKinzy
60. Stanley Hall
61. Carolyn Halmon
62. Michelle Heidenberger
63. Sheila Hein
64. Ronald John Hemenway
65. Maj. Wallace C. Hogan Jr.
66. Jimmie Ira Holley
67. Angela Houtz
68. Brady Kay Howell
69. Peggie Hurt
70. Lt. Col. Stephen Neil Hyland Jr.
71. Robert Hymel
72. Sgt. Maj. Lacey Ivory
73. Bryan C. Jack
74. Steven D. ‘Jake’ Jacoby
75. Lt. Col. Dennis Johnson
76. Judith Jones
77. Ann Judge
78. Brenda Kegler
79. Chandler Keller
80. Yvonne Kennedy
81. Norma Khan
82. Karen A. Kincaid
83. Michael ‘Scott’ Lamana
84. David Laychak
85. Dong C. Lee
86. Jennifer Lewis
87. Kenneth Lewis
88. Samantha Lightbourn-Allen
89. Stephen Vernon Long
90. James T. Lynch
91. Terence Michael Lynch
92. Nehamon Lyons IV
93. Shelley Marshall
94. Teresa Martin
95. Ada Mason
96. Dean Mattson
97. Lt. Gen. Timothy Maude
98. Robert Maxwell
99. Renee A. May
100. Molly McKenzie
101. Dora Menchaca
102. Patricia E. (Patti) Mickley
103. Maj. Ronald D. Milam
104. Gerard P. ‘Jerry’ Moran
105. Odessa V. Morris
106. Brian Anthony Moss
107. Teddington Hamm Moy
108. Patrick Jude Murphy
109. Christopher C. Newton
110. Khang Nguyen
111. Michael Allen Noeth
112. Barbara K. Olson
113. Ruben Ornedo
114. Diana Padro
115. Chin Sun Pak
116. Jonas Martin Panik
117. Clifford Patterson
118. Robert Penniger
119. Robert R. Ploger III
120. Zandra Cooper Ploger
121. Lt. J.G. Darin H. Pontell
122. Scott Powell
123. Jack Punches
124. Joseph John Pycior Jr.
125. Lisa Raines
126. Deborah A. Ramsaur
127. Rhonda Sue Ridge Rasmussen
128. Marsha D. Ratchford
129. Martha Reszke
130. Todd Reuben
131. Cecelia E. Richard
132. Edward Veld Rowenhorst
133. Judy Rowlett
134. Robert E. Russell
135. William Ruth
136. Charles E. Sabin
137. Marjorie C. Salamone
138. John Sammartino
139. Lt. Col. Dave Scales
140. Cmdr. Robert A. Schlegel
141. Janice M. Scott
142. Michael L. Selves
143. Marian H. Serva
144. Cmdr. Daniel F. Shanower
145. Antionette Sherman
146. Diane Simmons
147. Don Simmons
148. George Simmons
149. Cheryle Sincock
150. Gregg Harold Smallwood
151. Lt. Col. Gary Smith
152. Mari-Rae Sopper
153. Robert Speisman
154. Pat Statz
155. Edna L. Stephens
156. Norma Lang Steuerle
157. Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland
158. Hilda E. Taylor
159. Kip Paul Taylor
160. Leonard Taylor
161. Sandra Taylor
162. Sandra D. Teague
163. Karl W. Teepe
164. Sgt. Tamara Thurman
165. Otis Vincent Tolbert
166. Willie Q. Troy
167. Lt. Cmdr. Ronald J. Vauk
168. Karen J. Wagner
169. Meta Waller
170. Sandra White
171. Staff Sgt. Maudlyn White
172. Leslie A. Whittington
173. Ernest M. Willcher
174. David L. Williams
175. Maj. Dwayne Williams
176. Marvin Roger Woods
177. John D. Yamnicky Sr.
178. Vicki Yancey
179. Shuyin Yang
180. Kevin Wayne Yokum
181. Donald McArthur Young
182. Edmond Young
183. Lisa Young
184. Yuguang Zheng

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