LIVE STREAM: Donald Trump Rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania

President-Elect Donald Trump will hold a rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania this evening.

Trump will speak from the Giant Center in Hershey beginning at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and he will be introduced by Vice-President Elect Mike Pence. The rally can be viewed live in the embedded YouTube player via Right Side Broadcasting.

This event is a part of Trump’s “USA Thank You Tour 2016,” during which the incoming president has been speaking from states that helped him win on November 8th. Pennsylvania is one of the states that for months was thought to be behind Hillary Clinton, although the race became more tight there in the days prior to the election. On Election Day itself, Real Clear Politics’ polling average showed Clinton ahead of Trump by 2.1 percentage points in Pennsylvania.

In reality, though, Trump won the state by a margin of 0.73 percentage points. That made him the first Republican to win Pennsylvania since George H.W. Bush in 1988. Pennsylvania was a part of the so-called “blue wall,” a series of states that were thought to be a lock for Hillary Clinton, including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. Donald Trump ended up winning in all three of those, although in each case it was by a very small margin.

President-Elect Trump has been using his “thank you” rallies in part to discuss the news of the day, such as his recent cabinet appointments and any bits of controversy they might generate. Trump has not been speaking to members of the press over the past few months, and so he mainly communicates to the public via Twitter and these rallies.

During his most recent event in Wisconsin, Trump spent almost half of the rally recounting his experience on Election Day and talking about how badly he embarrassed Hillary Clinton and the pundits who doubted him.

“You know with the map?” Trump asked the audience. “Bing, bing, bing. Boy, that map was getting red as hell. That map was bleeding red!”

Trump also heaped praise onto President Obama and Paul Ryan, with both of his statements receiving boos from the crowd.

Another possible topic at tonight’s rally will be the recent discussions about Russia’s role in the election, and Trump’s relationship with his business while in the White House, both stories he defensively tweeted about on Thursday morning.

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President-Elect Donald Trump will hold a rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania this evening. Watch it live on YouTube right here.