With all the twists and turns in the election, nothing should surprise anyone. Hillary Clinton lost one electoral vote to the Native American activist Faith Spotted Eagle, and in Texas, Donald Trump lost one electoral college vote to Ron Paul.
Ron Paul was a big favorite in 2012, with many Republicans feeling like he was unfairly treated during the Republican primary, much like Democrats felt about Bernie Sanders this year. Well, it looks like someone still feels that way.
When the results were announced, out of 38 electoral votes, only 36 went to Trump. One went to John Kasich (as Chris Suprun had promised he would do.) And one went to Ron Paul. Sean Walsh of the Statesman reported that the vote came from Bill Greene of CD 34.
Some Libertarians lamented Ron Paul’s not running as Libertarian in this race, thinking that he might have done even better than Gary Johnson considering the political climate of this election.
The reactions on Twitter to the news were enthusiastic:
To see a breakdown of electoral votes in all states, please see our story below.