WATCH: Khuram Butt Full Documentary, ‘The Jihadist Next Door’

khuram butt

Khuram Butt. (Jamie Roberts documentary screenshot)

Khuram Butt, one of the London terror suspects, was featured in a British documentary called The Jihadist Next Door, in a confrontation with a police officer after praying with a black Islamic flag in an English park.

You can watch the documentary, which was created by Jamie Roberts, below on YouTube. According to ABC News, Butt was part of a radical group of extremist Islamists known as Al Muhajiroun.

In the documentary, Butt, who is a bit player in it, is led into a park by a radical street preacher who openly talks about wanting Sharia law to control England, even predicting that the Islamic flag used by ISIS will one day fly over 10 Downing Street, the residence of the British prime minister.

Khuram Butt was identified as one of the gang of three terrorists who staged the coordinated attacks at London Bridge and Borough Market. Butt, 27, who was known by his nickname “Abz,” was the terrorist who wsas photographed lying dead in the street after the twin attacks while wearing hoax explosives. Butt was the son of Pakistani asylum seekers and was allegedly associated with notorious YouTube and street preachers. The terrorist was also reported to police two years ago by a local woman for trying to brainwash local children to become Muslims in an English park.

The terrorists shouted, “This is for Allah” as they randomly slashed people’s faces and throats, according to Fox News.

They rammed a van into people walking on the landmark London Bridge and then strolled from the van and into a nearby cafe in Borough Market. Seven people – including French and Canadian citizens – died in the attack, and at least 48 were injured.

christine archibald

Christine Archibald, one of the attack victims. (Facebook)

Met police identified the second terrorist as Rachid Redouane. The third terrorist has not yet been identified.

The Metropolitan police declared the assaults a terrorist attack, tweeting, “At 0025hrs 4/6/17 the incidents at #LondonBridge & #BoroughMarket were declared as terrorist incidents.”

However, the documentary is raising questions about whether Butt should have been on authorities’ radar screen before the attacks.

The documentary on British Jihadis aired on Channel 4 in Britain and was filmed by a man named Jamie Roberts. He spent years following some of the most infamous Islamic street preachers in England. The men openly preach about their desire to see Sharia law take over British custom.

The men pray before an Islamic flag in this screenshot from Jamie Roberts’ documentary.

Khuram Butt makes only a brief appearance in the documentary, which focuses more so on three preachers who are well known to police and in England. In the scene in which Kharum Butt is featured, a man named Mohammed Shamsuddin is leading the group.

The men walk into the park and display a black Islamic flag, which is similar to one used by ISIS, and then they bow down before it. Butt is among that group. At the end of the prayer session, a police officer confronts the group of men and a verbal dispute ignites, and they are briefly detained. The officer says a member of the public contacted the police because the men were spotted with something resembling an ISIS flag in the park.

According to UK Daily Mail, the 27-year-old London Bridge terrorist, Kharum Butt, was a “Muslim extremist” who “appeared in a TV documentary last year about British jihadis” and who was “involved in a filmed altercation with police after an Islamic State flag was unfurled in a park.”

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Khuram Butt in a scene in the documentary. (Jamie Roberts documentary screenshot)

Daily Mail added, “He was caught on camera alongside two notorious preachers who were well known to police and intelligence officials because of their extremist views… a friend of the Watford-born suspect had reported him to the anti-terror hotline after he became radicalised by watching extremist videos on YouTube.”

According to a 2016 Guardian article on the documentary, Shamsuddin has ties to some of the most notorious Islamic preachers in Great Britain, a topic the documentary openly digs into. “The Jihadis Next Door also focuses on an extremist preacher called Abu Haleema and his friend Mohammed Shamsuddin. Haleema has links to a teen jihadi who wanted to carry out a beheading on Anzac Day in Australia, while Shamsuddin was an associate of Islamic cleric Anjem Choudary and joined a radical group after meeting hate preacher Omar Bakri, also known at the Tottenham Ayatollah,” reports the Guardian.

The documentary opens with an associate of Shamsuddin, the even more notorious Siddhartha Dhar, also known as Abu Rumaysah, who was a former bouncy castle salesman from London and Muslim convert who is believed to have fled to Syria and was accused of being the “new Jihadi John” who appeared in a gruesome, murderous ISIS video, as well as photographs with a young child holding a gun.

The degree to which Butt was tied to or influenced by these men is not known, beyond praying with them in the park in the one scene. There is no indication that any of the men listed above had anything to do with the London Bridge attacks, however.

In the documentary, the street preachers made it very clear what their goal is: They speak openly about desiring sharia law in Great Britain, and two of them express confidence that the Islamic flag will one day fly over 10 Downing Street, the address of the British prime minister.

“This is a war against Islam and Muslims, the struggle must continue… one day the black flag of Islam will be over 10 downing street, Allahu Akbar,” Shamsuddin says in one scene. One of the preachers also discusses how, if Sharia law were implemented in England, women would have to be fully covered, adulterers would be stoned in open public parks, homosexuality would be severely punished, and gambling and alcohol would be banned.

The street preachers are repeatedly confronted by other Muslims, who yell at them on the street, and accuse them of giving Islam a bad name. The documentary takes pains to make it clear that many other English Muslims oppose the street preachers’ radical message. One man accuses the preachers of “talking rubbish.”

Butt, who is from Barking, England, was described by neighbors as affable, nice, interested in playing table tennis, but averse to speaking with women, UK Daily Mail reported.

You can learn more about Khuram Butt here:

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