The March for Racial Justice takes place today in D.C., but a number of sister marches are being held tomorrow, October 1, because today is also the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. If you’re interested in participating in one of the sister marches that’s near you tomorrow, here is all the information about which are scheduled for Sunday, October 1.
Annapolis, Maryland
The event is Oct. 1 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. This will meet at Lawyers Mall and march to Kunta Kinte Memorial (City Dock.) The event will honor the legacy of Fannie Lou Hamer.
Binghamton, NY
This event is taking place from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern on Oct. 1 at the Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Promenade. The event is a partnership of Citizen Action with the YWCA. Attendees won’t be marching, but they will hold a vigil with music and speakers.
New York, New York (Brooklyn, NY)
The sister March for Racial Justice in NYC will begin Sunday, October 1 at 12:30 p.m. Eastern until 4 p.m. Eastern. It will begin at Brooklyn Plaza at Jay Street, according to the event’s Facebook page.
Falmouth MA
This event is taking place from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern at Falmouth Village Green Historic District.
Members of the Cape Verdean, Jamaican, Jewish, Wampanoag, Muslim, Brazilian, Asian, and other communities have been invited to give short testimonies about what life is like for an ethnic minority on Cape Cod. The event will close with remarks from Dr. Kristen Harper of the Unitarian Church of Barnstable on how to begin uniting Cape Codders of all racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Glen Falls, New York
This event, the North Country March for Racial Justice, will take place Oct. 1 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern at Crandall Park (GLEN St. #587.) The march will start at Crandall Park Bandshell at 2 p.m., then march around the park (Glen St.> Horicon Ave > Kensington Rd.> Jerome Ave. > Fire Rd. > Glen St and back to the bandshell.) After the walk, a gathering will be held with speakers and performers until about 5 p.m. The event is sponsored by Christ Church United Methodist, The Glen Falls NAACP, the Warren County Green Party, and Albany Democratic Socialists of America – Southern ADK Branch.
The North Country March for Racial Justice is a collaborative movement of communities of color and allies across northeastern New York, united in our demands for racial equity and justice.
New York has the greatest number of active hate groups after California, Florida and Texas. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, “all hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.” These beliefs can be shown through criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing. Our state and nation have a history steeped in racism, and it is our responsibility as a community to take action.
Our mission is to find unity in the unrest following these past and ongoing racial injustices. We demand an end to racist laws, policies, and practices; and we call for an interrogation of the racism and white supremacy that is entrenched in our communities, state, and nation.
We invite all northeastern New York communities to join us on Sunday, October 1, for a march around Crandall Park, in Glens Falls, New York. A peaceful gathering at the bandshell will follow, with speakers, music and a call for unity.
Holyoke MA
This event is taking place Oct. 1 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern at Holyoke Heritage State Park at 221 Appleton St. Numerous organizations have signed on to co-sponsor this event. They’ll meet at the Holyoke Merry-Go-Round and start marching at 12:30 p.m. to City Hall. The event will end with a rally, speakers, and opportunities for additional civic engagement.
On October 1, we will mobilize individuals, groups, and community organizations from Western Massachusetts to march in solidarity with the National March for Racial Justice. Our goal is to harness dissatisfaction with the systemic violence, discrimination and hate that plagues our society and to turn that unrest into a mobilization that strengthens efforts for racial equity and justice. We invite you to stand with us and make your voices heard. Together we can stand against oppression and challenge policies and practices that dehumanize people of color, communities of faith, persons living with disabilities, immigrants and our LGBTQ+ community. United, our voices are much more powerful than when divided. United we are a movement. United we can march forward towards equality and racial justice.
Los Angeles
This event will take place on Oct. 1 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pacific. They’ll meet in the open lot at the intersection of Buckingham Rd. and MLK Blvd.
The March for Racial Justice Los Angeles Rally is an event that focuses on standing together to end racial injustice in our country and ensure that our government provides equal protection under our laws to all people.
Maplewood, New Jersey
This event will take place Oct. 1 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern at the Maplewood Town Pool at 187 Boyden Ave. The march will start at the pool and they will march in the streets on Boyden and Springfield, stopping at the Maplewood Police Station to listen to speakers. Then they will continue marching on Tuscan Street to the Gazebo in Maplecrest Park for more speakers and inspiration. Larry Hamm of the People’s Organization for Progress will speak at 2 p.m. at the pool. At the end of the march, the Solidarity Singers of the NJ IUC will sing in the gazebo.
Providence RI
This event will take place from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern on Oct. 1. They’ll meet at 201 India St., Providence, Rhode Island (India Point Park.) There’s limited parking at India Point Park. Additional parking can be found in the Wickenden Street Area, or a two mile walk away at Providence Place Park Mall.
Trenton NJ
This event will take place on Oct. 1 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Trenton, 801 W. State St. This is a day of service, learning and unity to support the goals of the March for Racial Justice in DC. Advocates for justice will speak and facilitate workshops and discussion groups. The keynote speaker is Lawrence Hamm, People’s Organization for Progress. Breakout sessions include:
- What White People Are Not Taught About Whiteness and White Supremacy
Anxiety in the Lives of Undocumented Youth
Seeking Racial Justice: Faith Community Imperative
Respecting Intersectionality in the LGBTQ+ Community
Justice in NJ Schools: Key Factors in the School to Prison Pipeline
Economic Development: How Minorities Can Build Economic Wealth
Racial Justice & Financial Apartheid: Addressing -Discrimination in Everyday Consumer Transactions
Civic Engagement: How to Talk to your Legislators
The event will also be collecting items for local service organizations.
Waterville ME
This event will take place Oct. 1 from 12 p.m to 2 p.m. Eastern. The march will begin at Colby College Pugh Center at 12 p.m. At 1 p.m., the gathering will meet at Waterville Opera House, and workshops will be held at 2 p.m. at various downtown locations.
We invite all Maine communities to join us on Sunday, October 1, for a march through Waterville, Maine, ending with a peaceful gathering in downtown Waterville of speakers, music, and collective calls for action. Following will be educational workshops for all community members.
If you know of any additional sister marches happening on October 1, let us know in the comments below. Additional events are taking place on September 30. Learn more here.