Where To Report Hurricane Irma Price Gouging In Georgia?

hurricane irma miami bottled water price gouging
People in line at Costco waiting for bottled water find out Costco ran out of water on September 5, 2017 in North Miami.

As category 5 Hurricane Irma approaches the Southeastern coast of the United States, reports of price gouging have begun flooding into state consumer protection watchdog agencies.

During states of emergency, Georgia state law prohibits vendors from selling essential products like gas and bottled water at artificially inflated prices during states of emergency, such as a hurricane.

The path Hurricane Irma will take is still somewhat unclear and no state of emergency has been declared yet in Georgia, consumers can still report price gouging incidents to the Georgia Department of Law’s Consumer Protection Unit.

To report price gouging in Georgia, call the Consumer Protection Unit at 404-651-8600 or 1-800-869-1123. Officials urge consumers to include as many details as possible about the incident, including receipts, estimates, and product details.

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Price gouging during an emergency is an unfortunately common practice. Hundreds of complaints were filed last week in Texas as consumers were met with outrageous prices for some essential goods and services after floodwaters from Hurricane Harvey devastated the state’s southern coast.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told the media that his office had received reports of gas being sold for $10 a gallon, and a case of water going for $99.

After Hurricane Katrina knocked out 95% of the Southwest’s oil refining capacity in 2005, gas prices skyrocketed across the U.S., and reports of widely varying gas prices at neighboring service stations prompted nationwide price-gouging concerns.

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