Tim Miller: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

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Tim Miller is a political consultant who was also a frequent contributor to the hugely popular political podcast, Pod Save America. Fans of the podcast might remember Miller as the lone conservative Republican voice on the show, which otherwise has a strongly liberal bent. But on November 20, 2018, Crooked Media, the company behind Pod Save America, announced that they were breaking their ties with Miller. In a statement, the company said that they found it “impossible” to square some of Miller’s work with Definers Public Affairs with the values that Crooked Media stands for.

Here’s what you need to know about Tim Miller:

1. He Came Under Fire After He Partnered with Definers Public Affairs on a Project for Facebook

In 2018, a New York Times article described the work that the Definers Public Affairs did on behalf of Facebook. The Definers, a DC-based consultant group, carried out research on George Soros and the possible financial connections between Soros and an anti-Facebook movement called Freedom from Facebook. Definers also targeted a group called “Color of Change,” which is funded largely by Soros. Tim Miller is a partner in Definers.

Rashad Robinson, the president of Color of Change, said that Facebook’s response amounted to an anti-Semitic smear campaign. Robinson said, “Facebook’s response to our campaign … was to fan the flames of anti-Semitism … they have given oxygen to the worst anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of the white nationalist Trump base. Those theories aim to not only dehumanize Jews, but also seek to deny legitimacy to progressive social movements led by people of color, by suggesting we have no agenda of our own.”

After the New York Times reported on the work of Definers Public Affairs and on Miller’s role in the group, Crooked Media issued a statement announcing that Miller would no longer be a member of the Pod Save America podcast. The statement said that they were “surprised and angry” about the role that Definers played in what they called “Facebook’s campaign to discredit its critics.” “We learned as much as we could about the work Definers has done for Facebook and other clients. And, like many of you, ultimately found it impossible to square that work with the values of our company. So Tim will no longer be a contributor to Crooked Media.”

2. Miller Says He Has a ‘Visceral Hatred’ for White Supremacists but Says It Should Be Okay to Criticize Soros

After the New York Times story came out, Miller wrote a long, detailed explanation of his work with Definers and Facebook. He admitted that to some people, his investigation of Soros and Soros’ finances was distasteful. Miller said that even one of his friends had told him that, “no matter what the facts, bringing up Soros is wrong because that motivates white supremacists.”

But, Miller said, just because some people might use criticism of Soros to fuel their own anti-Semitic agendas, that shouldn’t mean that any and all critiques of Soros are off-limits. Miller wrote,
“I have a visceral hatred for white supremacists and alt-right trolls. I have fought with them, campaigned against them, and spoken out repeatedly when anyone in the GOP caters to them. Because of that my twitter mentions include some prominent alt-righters dunking on me over this latest controversy. I have no patience for anyone who gives an ounce of cover to these bottom feeders.

With that in mind, I think there has to be a way for Soros to be held accountable for political activities he funds or other legitimate lines of inquiry without veering off into the alt-right. But I certainly understand the view of my friend who disagrees.”

3. Miller Was Communications Director for Jeb Bush During His 2016 Presidential Campaign

Miller, a Republican, is also an outspoken opponent of President Trump. He worked on Jeb Bush’s 2016 presidential campaign, serving as communications director in Miami.

Before that, Miller worked as executive director of the America Rising PAC, a Republican group whose stated purpose was “exposing the truth about Democrats.” Here’s how Miller describes the group on his LinkedIn page:

“America Rising PAC was set up in Spring 2013 to serve as an organization on the right for the sole purpose of exposing the truth about Democrats through video tracking, research, and communications. By cataloging every Democrat utterance we have the data to ensure they are held accountable for their words and actions.”

4. Miller Was a Leader in the ‘Stop Trump’ Movement Ahead of the 2016 Republican Convention

In 2016, after Jeb Bush’s campaign fell apart, Miller joined the Our Principles PAC, a conservative group dedicated to blocking Trump from getting the Republican nomination. Miller said he was so opposed to Trump that he would back even a third-party candidate who could run against Trump — even if that meant effectively handing over the election to the Democrat, Hillary Clinton. And Miller seemed to believe that most Americans felt the same way as he did. He told Politico back in 2016 that there was no way Trump could beat Hillary in the election: “Hillary would beat him from jail,” Miller said. “I’m telling you. That’s how unpopular he is. It’s crazy.”

5. Miller Is an Openly Gay Republican

Miller’s name tends to come up when magazines are making lists of openly gay Republicans. It’s a fairly short list. Miller acknowledged that there aren’t very many other openly gay Republicans, during an interview he did with Glenn Thrush back in 2016. Thrush asked him what he thought of Jeb Bush’s position on gay marriage.

Miller said that he and Bush had different opinions on gay marriage (Miller believes it should be legal). But he said that it didn’t stop him from working with Bush, even though he said that there had been an “awkward” moment when he first told Bush that he was gay.

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