LOOK: Russian Media Mocks Trump’s Visit to Iraq

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump paid a surprise visit to Iraq on Wednesday, visiting US troops and military leaders stationed in the west of the country. The visit came after Trump had taken heat in the press for failing to visit any troops over Christmas. Photos showed soldiers at Al Asad Air Base cheering the president; some asked the president to autograph their hats.

But not everyone praised the president for his visit. Russian media jabbed at President Trump for his trip, insisting that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, was getting much more done in the same time period. One Kremlin journalist wrote, “News of one day: Putin showed a new supersonic missile at the National Defense Center, Trump showed a new military jacket in a hangar in Iraq.” The tweet juxtaposed a photo of Putin, looking earnest in a meeting with his generals, with President Trump, smiling wryly and gesturing at a wall. You can see that here:

The tweet comes from Dmitriy Smirnov, a reporter who covers the Kremlin for Komsomolskaya Pravda, a Russian tabloid that’s been around, in one form or another, since 1925. Smirnov, a prolific social media user, typically tweets in praise of his own president and saves his sarcasm for other world leaders; his recent tweets and articles praise Putin for raising the minimum wage and legalizing fishing, among other things.

On Wednesday, Russian media reported that there had been a successful test of the country’s new missile system. “Russia is the first in the world to receive a new type of strategic weapon and this will reliably ensure the security of our state and of our people for decades to come,” Putin said, according to the state-run Tass news service.”This is a wonderful, excellent gift for the country for the New Year,” Tass quotes Putin as saying.

Dmitriy Smirnov, the Kremlin reporter, appeared to be contrasting Putin’s announcement of the missile launch to Trump’s visit to Iraq. The Russian journalist seemed to be saying that his leader was accomplishing more than the American. Smirnov has tweeted dismissively about Trump in the past, calling him “Agent Donald” during a summit in Paris. You can read more about that, and about Smirnov, here.

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