Michael Cohen’s Children: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Getty Laura Shusterman (L), wife of Michel Cohen, and children Samantha Blake Cohen (C) and Jake (R).

Michael Cohen spoke lovingly about his children in his opening statement, which he released early before his testimony before the House Oversight Committee. He has two children — a son, Jake, and a daughter, Samantha. He has said that he loves his children and regrets what he’s put them through. Read on to learn more about his two children.

In his opening statement, Cohen said, in part:

I am a blessed husband of 24 years and a father to an incredible daughter and son. When I married my wife, I promised her that I would love her, cherish her, and protect her. As my father said countless times throughout my childhood, ‘you my wife, and you my children, are the air that I breathe.’ To my Laura, my Sami, and my Jake, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you.”

1. Michael Cohen Said His Daughter, Samantha, & His Wife Were Victims of Threats & Sexual Harassment

GettyMichael Cohen, with daughter Samantha Blake Cohen and wife Laura Shusterman

According to Jake Ross’ Instagram, he will be graduating from the University of Miami in 2022. Samantha, who is older than Jake, just graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. An article in Page Six recently noted that Samantha had just graduated from there. She has a political science degree.

Michael Cohen shared in a statement to the Senate in 2017 that both his daughter and his wife, Laura, received threats and harassment. He said: “My daughter, who is at an Ivy League school, and my wife, who is of Ukrainian descent, have especially been subjected to harassment, insults and threats … some so severe I cannot share them in mixed company.”

Michael Cohen said that although some might say those experiences are the cost of being in the public eye, his family shouldn’t be subject to these just because of his role in the government.

At least some of this harassment happened in May 2017, when he tweeted a photo of Samantha from a modeling photoshoot. Hundreds of people told him on Twitter that it was creepy to share a sexy photo of his daughter. He responded: “Beauty and brains you a-hole! It’s a modeling shot remake from an old Edie Sedgwick photo.”

Samantha told Daily Mail that her dad was just being supportive. “My father, who has always been supportive of my endeavors, was merely expressing his pride. There is nothing inappropriate in the picture and those who seek to make it something it is not are merely Trump haters who are using this an opportunity to stir up drama. I find it hypocritical that those who consider themselves liberal would criticize a woman embracing her body. There is nothing sexualized about the photograph… it is tasteful and it is demure.”

2. Samantha Tried To Find Some Normalcy After Her Dad’s Sentencing

Samantha and her dad Michael Cohen

TwitterSamantha and her dad Michael Cohen

Samantha Cohen tried to find some sense of normalcy after her dad was sentenced to three years in prison, Page Six reported. She attended the New York Botanical Garden’s Winter Wonderland Ball a few days after her dad’s sentencing and looked stunning. Attendees said she looked wonderful, has supportive friends, and was “trying for normalcy.”

A family friend told Page Six that Michael only wanted the best for his family. “He wants them to continue to live a normal life. They’ve been through more than enough.”

3. Michael Cohen’s Wife and Children Were Visibly Distraught During His Sentencing

GettyMichael Cohen’s daughter Samantha Blake Cohen(C) wife Laura Shusterman (L) and son Jake Cohen leave US Federal Court in New York on December 12, 2018 after Michael Cohen’s sentencing.

When Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison, Jake, Samantha, and their mom Laura was with him, the LA Times reported. Jake held his mom as the sentence was read and Samantha cried.

Michael Cohen apologized in an emotional statement. He said his blind loyalty to Trump led him to ignore his moral compass, Arkansas Online shared. He apologized for the emotional turmoil he caused his family.

During her dad’s sentencing, Samantha was wearing a crutch because of hip surgery.


4. Michael and Jake Met with a University Baseball Coach During the Time When Some Accused Michael of Being in Prague Meeting with Russian Officials


In January 2017, Michael Cohen and Jake visited the University of Southern California to meet the baseball coach. This trip just happened to be at the same time that an uncorroborated report claimed Michael Cohen was in Prague meeting with Russian officials.

In a statement to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in 2017, Michael explained this rumor was false, citing his trip with his son.

I was in Los Angeles with my son who dreams of playing division 1 baseball next year at a prestigious university like USC. We were visiting the campus, meeting with various coaches, and discussing his future. Media sources have been able to confirm these facts and I can provide you with proof.”

Michael Cohen tweeted a photo of his passport, which you can see above, as proof. Some people made fun of the tweet, saying a closed passport book didn’t do anything to prove where he was.

5. Trump Arrived Late for Jake’s Bar Mitzvah & Joked About Michael Begging Him To Go, Attendees Said

InstagramJake Cohen Instagram photo

A guest at Jake’s bar mitzvah in 2012 said that Trump was so late that he delayed the blessings and embarrassed the family, Business Insider reported. In a speech after he arrived, Trump reportedly said that he hadn’t planned on attending but Michael Cohen had begged to come. He said Cohen had repeatedly called him, his secretary, and his children to try to convince him to go. Guests laughed at Trump’s comments.

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