Poll: More than half of voters will not vote for President Trump in 2020

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Former U.S Vice president Joe Biden speaks at the University of Pennsylvania.

A Quinnipiac University poll released early Thursday puts former Vice President Joe Biden ahead of all Democratic competitors by double-digits.

The poll didn’t individual Democrats against President Donald Trump — but 53 percent of voters say they definitely will not vote for the current incumbent Republican.

Another 30 percent say they definitely will vote for Trump and 13 percent say they will consider voting for Trump. A whopping 77 percent of Republicans, one percent of Democrats and 21 percent of independent voters say they will vote for Trump.

“The loyal base stays the course, but 53 percent of all American voters say they’ve had enough and will not vote for President Trump,” Malloy said.

Biden Is the Top Choice of Democrats By 10 points

Biden is the choice of 29 percent of Democrats and voters leaning Democratic. Following Biden is Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, with 19 percent of support and 12 percent would pick former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas, who lost a Texas senatorial bid in 2018.

An important result that favors Biden is that Democrats and Democratic leaners say 70 percent to 27 percent that age is not an important factor in their vote. Biden is 76-years-old, and critics have cited his age as a factor why he should not run.

Sen. Kamala Harris of California has eight percent of Democrats and Democratic leaners.

No other Democratic contender gets more than four percent.

“Hungry for a candidate to take on President Donald Trump, Democrats and Democratic leaners put the three B’s, Biden, Bernie and Beto, at the top in a race where age, race and gender take a back seat to electability and shared views,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll.

The News is Good for Biden, Who is Beating Trump In a Handful of National Polls

There are three general election polls from March that show Biden ahead of Trump.

In a Fox News poll released on March 20, Biden, who was the top choice among Democrats with 31 percent support, would top Trump by seven points.

An Emerson College Polling poll released March 18 has Biden and Sanders tied at 26 percent.

But in the general election, the poll shows that all matchups between Trump and Democratic nominees fell within the margin of error — except when Trump was matched up against Biden. In that matchup, Biden beats Trump 55 percent to 45 percent.

And finally, Public Policy Polling has Trump as an underdog for reelection. Trump gets just 41 percent or 42 percent in head to head matchups against seven likely Democratic candidates. In the poll released in January, he trails Biden by eight points, Sanders by 10 points, Harris by seven points, O’Rourke by six points, Elizabeth Warren by six points and Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand each by five points.

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