‘UFO’ Videos Confirmed By Navy as Real ‘Aerial Phenomena’

UFO videos real
A screenshot from an UFO video the Navy says is real.

The U.S. Navy has confirmed that videos supposedly showing UFOS (Unidentified Flying Objects) are real. However, according to CNN, the Navy isn’t saying what the objects are. That means the Navy isn’t saying there is extra-terrestrial life, just that the videos are real, and the Navy doesn’t know what’s in them.

You can watch the three videos later in this article. They were initially posted by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science starting in 2015. That group was founded by Blink 182 rocker Tom DeLonge to study UFOs. The videos are called “FLIR1,” “Gimbal” and “GoFast.”

You can see the videos later in this article. In addition, GoFast can be watched on the group’s site here. Gimbal video can be found with analysis here. The FLIR1 video can be found here.

According to NBC New York, one video was the product of an U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet onboard forward-looking infrared system. That plane was flying 300 mph at 25,000 feet, according to NBC New York.

Navy spokesman Joe Gradisher told CNN on September 18, 2019 that the objects are “unidentified aerial phenomena.” According to NBC New York, he added, “The Navy has not publicly released characterizations or descriptions, nor released any hypothesis or conclusions, in regard to the objects contained in the referenced videos.”

Here’s what you need to know:

GoFast Video

In its observations on the GoFast video, TTSA reports that the object has no obvious wings or tales or exhaust plume. “The unidentified vehicle appears as a white oval shape moving at high speed from top right to lower left of the screen flying very low over the water.” The site added: “GO FAST is an authentic DoD video that captures the high-speed flight of an unidentified aircraft at low altitude by a F/A-18 Super Hornet ATFLIR forward-looking infrared system.”

Gimbal Video

Of Gimbal, the site says: “GIMBAL is the first of three US military videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and has been approved for public release.”

The object has “Never-before-seen flight capabilities” and “Possible energy or resonance field of unknown nature,” according to TTSA.

FLIR1 Video

“FLIR1 is the second of three US military videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and approved for public release. It is the only official footage captured by a US Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet present at the 2004 Nimitz incident off the coast of San Diego,” says the TTSA website.

TTSA concludes, “FLIR1 shows credible evidence of a flying vehicle that demonstrates characteristics unlike anything we know, understand, or can duplicate.”

On September 10, 2019, the Black Vault’s John Greenewald Jr. published similar statements from Gradisher. Asked by that site why the Navy wasn’t using the term UFO but rather UAP, Gradisher responded, “The ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ terminology is used because it provides the basic descriptor for the sightings/observations of unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.” Black Vault reports that the government argues the videos shouldn’t have been released to the public.

Gradisher told Black Vault: “The Navy has no comment on, nor control over, how civilian individuals or organizations may or may not describe the objects in the referenced videos. The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena.”

A Retired Navy Pilot Described the Object in One Video as Rapidly Accelerating

According to CNN, David Fravor, a retired U.S. Navy pilot saw one of the flying objects in 2004. He told CNN it was a “white object, oblong, pointing north, moving erratically. As I got close to it … it rapidly accelerated to the south, and disappeared in less than two seconds.”

He told CNN that it wasn’t a helicopter and had no wings. Fravor added to CNN that the object had “the ability to hover over the water, and then start a vertical climb, from basically zero up towards about 12,000 feet, and then accelerate in less than two seconds, and disappear.”

The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences obtained the videos in 2017 and 2018. One video captures comments from the shocked pilot who say things like this:

“Whoa, got it.”
“What the (expletive) is that thing?”
“Oh my gosh dude.”
“Did you box moving target?”
“Wow! What is that, man?”
“Look at that flying.”

TTSA’s about me page reads, “It is the mission of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science to collaborate with global citizens in order to help push science, technology, and ultimately humanity forward. To help accomplish this, we plan on building a powerful and robust community of interest platform called the Virtual Analytics UAP Learning Tool (VAULT) where we can enable interdisciplinary collaboration on reporting and analysis of anomalies among the public at large, academia, industry partners, government and every level of law enforcement.”

Black Vault also obtained emails between Luis Elizondo, described as “the man who sits as a board member of TTSA and claims to have headed the Pentagon’s secret UFO study known as ‘AATIP,’ and the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR).” According to Black Vault, Elizondo wrote, “Unmanned aerial vehicles (balloons, commercial UAVs, private drones such as quadcopters, etc) continue to pose a potential threat to DoD facilities, equipment, and location. Army, Navy, and Air Force have all acknowledged the potential threat by UAS’ to DoD equities but no single UNCLASSIFIED repository exists to share this Information across all stakeholders.” You can read more about Black Vault’s research here, and bio on Elizondo here.

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