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Trump Tweets Pelosi, Schumer in Muslim Clothes With Iran Flag

Twitter Trump tweeted an image of Pelosi and Schumer in Muslim dress.

President Donald Trump retweeted a photoshopped image of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer wearing traditional Muslim clothing before the Iranian flag.

The image quickly caused controversy online.

“The corrupted Dems trying their best to come to the Ayatollah’s rescue. #NancyPelosiFakeNews,” the original tweet, which Trump retweeted, read. It was tweeted by an account called @D0wn_Under with a profile reading, “I identify as King ? and my pronouns are His Majesty, First of his name.” The name on the account, in Persian, is “Down Under.” The site retweeted Trump’s previous comments supporting protesters in Iran and has made anti Iranian government tweets.

Here’s the retweet by Trump:

President Trump has more than 70 million followers on Twitter. He tweeted several other comments criticizing Democrats for their stance on Iran, the protests there, and his order to kill General Qassem Soleimani.

Here’s what you need to know:

Trump Also Shared Comments That Pelosi Made Over the Weekend on the Iranian Protests

President Trump appears upset by comments Pelosi made about the Iranian protests over the weekend. The comments came from Pelosi on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, when she stated that there were “different reasons why people are in the street” protesting in Iran.

“The Democrats and the Fake News are trying to make terrorist Soleimani into a wonderful guy, only because I did what should have been done for 20 years. Anything I do, whether it’s the economy, military, or anything else, will be scorned by the Rafical Left, Do Nothing Democrats!” Trump also wrote.

Trump has been tweeting support for the protests that erupted at an Iranian university against the regime after Iran admitted shooting down a Ukrainian airliner with 176 people on board.

“Wow! The wonderful Iranian protesters refused to step on, or in any way denigrate, our Great American Flag. It was put on the street in order for them to trample it, and they walked around it instead. Big progress!” Trump wrote on January 13, 2020.

The President Previously Tweeted Support for the Protesters in Persian

The president directed two tweets in Persian toward the group of protesters who have taken on the Iranian regime in anger over the downing of Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752.

Protests have erupted in Iran against the Ayatollah Khamenei regime – as shown on dramatic videos and photos that also hit Twitter – after Iran admitted shooting down the Ukrainian jetliner. The plane carried many Iranians, some of them students.

According to CNN, the protests in Iran have escalated to more cities than Tehran and the Iranian authorities have used tear gas against the protesters.

Trump’s first Persian tweet came on January 11, 2020 as the protest news hit Twitter. President Trump then wrote the same tweet in English, “To the brave, long-suffering people of Iran: I’ve stood with you since the beginning of my Presidency, and my Administration will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely, and are inspired by your courage.”

Trump followed that up with a second tweet in Persian, also known as Farsi:

He wrote in English, “The government of Iran must allow human rights groups to monitor and report facts from the ground on the ongoing protests by the Iranian people. There can not be another massacre of peaceful protesters, nor an internet shutdown. The world is watching.”

Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of Iran Human Rights.org, an organization which documents human rights abuses in the country, wrote on Twitter, “Today’s protests as well as November’s mass uprising shows Iranian people are fed up with their leaders’ never ending pattern of incompetence, lies, and coverups at all levels. Potentials of generation after generation squashed. #IranProtests.”

According to Times of Israel, the Iranian protests centered around Amirkabir University, where people changed things like “Death to the dictator,” “Shame on you Khamenei, leave the country,” “Death to the liars,” and “Shame on the Revolutionary Guards, let the country go.”

They also called on Khamenei to resign. The Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, which promotes human rights in Iran, wrote on Twitter, “Chants from tonight’s #IranProtests at Sharif University: Don’t call us traitors, you’re the treason, oppressor, all these years of crime, death to this state! Khamenei is a murderer, his state is illegitimate! The Revolutionary Guards commit crime, the Leader protects them!”

The center shared the following video and wrote, “Here they confront security forces coming to disperse protest of grieving students. ‘Without honor,’ they chant.” Videos showed police in riot gear.

CNN reported that, according to Iranian media, the protest emerged out a mass vigil for the airplane victims, and Iranian police “dispersed students who entered and blocked main roads.”

READ NEXT: The Crash of Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752.

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President Donald Trump has retweeted a photoshopped image showing Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in Islamic dress with the Iranian flag.