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COVID-19 Stimulus Checks: Trump Confirms Post-Election Timeline for Payments [UPDATE]

In a series of tweets on Tuesday, October 6, President Trump confirmed that no stimulus package will pass through Congress before the presidential election. Specifically, he said he had “instructed” his “representatives to stop negotiating until after the election.” At that point, Trump said he would “immediately” pass a “major stimulus bill,” following his re-election.

Trump has repeatedly indicated his support for stimulus payments in any package throughout the pandemic. Most recently, he tweeted about stimulus payments in mid-September, encouraging Republicans to go for “higher numbers” for payments during negotiations.

Though he does not mention stimulus checks specifically in this Twitter thread, his previous commentary on the topic provides sufficient evidence that he would include them in this upcoming package.

Here’s what you need to know:

Trump’s New Timeline for Stimulus Checks & a ‘Major’ Stimulus Package: Early November, Following the Election

In Trump’s Twitter thread on Tuesday, he confirmed that he had instructed the GOP faction of the Senate to block any stimulus package until after the election. He also attempted to blame House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for this decision. Here is his statement in full:


Nancy Pelosi is asking for $2.4 Trillion Dollars to bailout poorly run, high crime, Democrat States, money that is in no way related to COVID-19. We made a very generous offer of $1.6 Trillion Dollars and, as usual, she is not negotiating in good faith. I am rejecting their …request, and looking to the future of our Country. I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business. I have asked……

@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell not to delay, but to instead focus full time on approving my outstanding nominee to the United States Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett. Our Economy is doing very well. The Stock Market is at record levels, JOBS and unemployment……also coming back in record numbers. We are leading the World in Economic Recovery, and THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

Pelosi’s office promptly issued a statement following POTUS’ announcement. The statement read in part, “Today, once again, President Trump showed his true colors: putting himself first at the expense of the country, with the full complicity of the GOP Members of Congress.” Pelosi slammed Trump’s decision, and argued that Trump’s statement is proof of the White House being in “disarray.” You can read the full statement here.

Trump’s Decision to Withhold Aid Was Met With Immediate, Widespread Criticism

Immediately following Trump’s Twitter announcement, the stock market plummeted and the president was faced with a wave of criticism. Aaron Paul Godfrey, a U.S. congressional hopeful, tweeted, “Stupid beyond words. Democrats were handing him a pre-election win by working for another #stimulus, and now he is holding it hostage. This president does not care about you. He never has. He cares about staying in power. #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted of the move, “What an anti-everybody agenda looks like: The President & GOP are walking away from getting ANY COVID stimulus relief done, effectively endangering millions, after *they* themselves got COVID & enjoyed free socialized healthcare, so they can push through an anti-ACA SCOTUS pick.”

“Trump ending #stimulus talks til after the election is literally Bobby Newport saying if he doesn’t win, he’ll take away the Sweetums jobs,” comedian Lane Moore tweeted. “As Leslie Knope says, ‘I love this town, & when you love something, you don’t threaten it.’ Trump never loved America. He just loves power.”

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Trump has confirmed a post-election timeline for the next stimulus package and round of stimulus payments.