WATCH: Pastor Greg Locke Church Address About Witches

greg locke church address

Facebook/Twitter Greg Locke in the church address (r)

Video of a Pastor Greg Locke church address has gone viral after the Tennessee religious leader ranted about “witches” in the congregation.

Two are in his wife’s Bible study, he said. “We have all six of their names. All six of them.” According to Religion News, Locke is a pastor near Nashville, Tennessee, for Global Vision, a nondenominational church. The pastor has made controversial comments before, including relating to “COVID-19 skepticism,” and burning Harry Potter books, Religion News reported. You can find the church website here.

You can watch the video later in this article. It was recorded on February 13, 2022, and it has had more than a million views on Twitter alone since that time. Locke did not name the supposed “witches.”

In the video, Locke says, “We’ve got first and last names of six witches that are in our church, and you know what’s strange, three of you are in this room right now. Three of you in the room right now,” he said. Locke has more than 2 million followers on Facebook.

Here’s what you need to know:

In the Video, Locke Warns He Might Show Up the Following Sunday With a ‘Stage Full of Brooms’

In the video clip, which was shared on Twitter, Locke ranted about witches, devil worshiping, and brooms. The video clip was shared by an atheist writer, according to Religion News.

“You better look at my eyeballs; we ain’t afraid of you, you stinking witch, you devil worshiping satanist witch. We cast you out in the name of Jesus Christ. We break your spells. We break your curse,” he said.

He continued:

We’ve got your first name. we’ve got your last name. We’ve even got an address for one of you. You so much as cough wrong, and I’ll expose you in front of everyone in this tent, you stink’ witch. You were sent to this church to destroy us. You were sent to this church to lure us in. You were sent to this church to cast spells. Some of you been sick because you befriended that witch. two of you in my wife’s ladies’ Bible study, and you know who you are, and we’re going to ask you to get out. Or I’m going to expose you in front of everybody. We have all six of your names. All six of them. Two of them had already been confirmed before that thing had even said it…This chick is new to our church and don’t know none of you. So you’ve got a choice. You can leave with your spells all by yourself. Or i will show up next Sunday with a stage full of brooms and I’ll give you one, and I’ll fly you out of this place in the name of Jesus.

He warned the “witches” not to play “sage-burning games,” and then asked, “Everybody okay? The witches are like nope. And your little dog too. You’re out, witch.”

Locke Said His Comments Were Taken Out of Context

To Religion News, Locke attempted to clarify the comments. He said two of the so-called witches were men and added, “ALL sent here on assignment to disrupt,” Religion News reported. You can see the full sermon above.

The site reported that, according to Locke, the witches were trying to entice people to commit adultery, adding, “WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT!!”

According to Christian Post, Locke said “the revelation of the witches in his church came from a demon that had taken up residence inside a young girl.”

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