Ron Paul Blocked by Facebook for Violating Community Standards

Ron Paul's Facebook account was blocked.

Getty Ron Paul's Facebook account was blocked.

Ron Paul shared on Twitter that Facebook had temporarily blocked his account for “violating community standards” but he had no idea why. He posted that his account had not received a warning prior, despite the message saying that his account had committed multiple violations.

His Account Has Been Temporarily Blocked for Violating Community Standards

Ron Paul’s Facebook account received the warning on Monday, January 11.

He wrote on Twitter: “With no explanation other than ‘repeatedly going against our community standards,’ @Facebook has blocked me from managing my page. Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified.” 

The message he received, which he shared in his tweet, read that his account had “Limited Page Functionality.” The message went on to say: “Due to repeatedly going against our Community Standards, you’re temporarily blocked from creating new Pages and managing your existing Pages. Review our Community Standards to see what’s a violation on Facebook.”

However, Paul said that his account had never received a notice from Facebook before about violations.

He added that the only thing they had posted on the day they received the message was his weekly column called “Texas Straight Talk” that he’s been publishing since 1976.

His Last Visible Post on Facebook Links to a Column Where He Expresses Concern About Recent ‘Social Media Purges’

A post from about four hours before he was blocked shows a column on his Facebook page called “The War on Terror Comes Home.” It’s not clear if this is the column that he referenced on Twitter as being his last post, but it’s the last one that appears on his Facebook page.

His “War on Terror” column that was posted on Facebook before the ban expressed concern about the “social media purges – starting with President Trump’s permanent ban from Twitter and other outlets.” He noted that they were “shocking and chilling, particularly to those of us who value free expression and the free exchange of ideas.”

He wrote in his column: “The narrowing of allowable opinion in the virtual public square is no conspiracy against conservatives. As progressives like Glenn Greenwald have pointed out, this is a wider assault on any opinion that veers from the acceptable parameters of the mainstream elite, which is made up of both Democrats and Republicans.”

Rand Paul Called Out Facebook for Its Action

Shortly after Ron Paul shared what happened, his son Rand Paul took to Twitter and called out Facebook for what happened.

Rand Paul wrote: “Facebook now considers advocating for liberty to be sedition. Where will it end?”

Jordan Schachtel, who recently wrote an article that appears on The Ron Paul Institute’s website, tweeted about the ban and posited that it was because of Paul’s views about Dr. Anthony Fauci. Facebook and Paul have not shared an explanation yet about why Paul was blocked from administrative privileges. He had previously tweeted that Paul’s YouTube videos were removed for criticizing Fauci.

Ron Paul’s administrative capabilities were restricted and he is blocked from creating new pages or managing his existing page, but his page itself was not blocked or removed. That’s why you can still see his page on Facebook and the recent posts.

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