‘Big Bones’ Jon Jones Is ‘Going To Be a Problem’ [LOOK]

UFC Star Jon Jones

Getty UFC superstar Jon Jones is one of the most decorated MMA fighters in history.

UFC superstar Jon Jones isn’t all that thrilled about UFC president Dana White suggesting he should fight former heavyweight champion Stipe Miocic for the right to challenge for the UFC’s coveted heavyweight crown, but that hasn’t kept the longtime pound-for-pound king from continuing his march up the scale into the land of the giants.

According to his latest posts on Instagram, Jones is looking wider and scarier than ever right now, and the 33-year-old star is still marching full force up the ranks in his quest to challenge for heavyweight gold.

You can see how massive Jones is starting to look below.

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Here’s a comparison posted by Jackson Wink MMA Academy comparing the 2012 version of Jones to the bulkier 2021 one.

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Jones Reveals Current Focus

Jones posted his latest thoughts and feelings about his big move to the heavyweight ranks via Instagram.

He said, “Right now my training is focused around weightlifting, gaining weight and physical fitness. Once I actually shift my focus to doing more martial arts it’s going to be a problem. Please don’t mistake this as my best ladies and gentlemen. Hope you enjoy.”

You can watch Jones crack the pads during one of his latest mitt sessions below. Jones is looking legit in his new weight class.

Maybe the scariest part? Jones claims he’s only working on gaining weight right now, and it means the former 205-pound ace believes he’s “going to be a problem” once he begins focusing on his MMA training.

While the UFC seems committed to making UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou’s first heavyweight title defense a rematch against Derrick Lewis later this year, Jones has remained focused on taking the steps he needs to take to turn his dream of heavyweight gold into reality.

He keeps looking bigger and bulkier than ever, and his hard work at the dinner table and in the weight room would seem to be on its way to translating into the most dangerous version of “Bones” the world has ever seen.

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Other Major Moves By Jones Proves Seriousness

But Jones isn’t just working on his form and factor.

While he hasn’t yet come to terms with the UFC over how much his desired megafight against the UFC heavyweight champion should net his pocketbook, he has made serval major moves over recent months to show his seriousness.

Jones parted ways with his management team, and that seems to stem from the stalled negotiations.

Jones also suggested via social media that he was bringing in new agents and lawyers into the mix. He posted, “The good news is I have two really big meetings with some awesome attorneys and sports agents next week. Feel like my professionalism is about to go up a notch”.

Jones hasn’t fought since defeating Dominick Reyes UFC 247 in February 2020. He’s been prepping for a move up to the heavyweight ranks since last summer, and every new picture and video of the megastar reveals what a serious threat he plans to be in his new weight class.

Jones might not get the next crack at Ngannou, it looks like he’ll be his best when he finally gets his chance at earning UFC heavyweight gold.

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