Arcan Cetin: Was Accused Mall Shooter Non-Citizen Who Illegally Voted?

Arcan Cetin

A new report by King 5-TV in Seattle contends that Cascade Mall shooter suspect Arcan Cetin may face an investigation into whether he illegally voted because he is not a citizen.

The Seattle television station cited federal sources in reporting that Cetin, a Turkish immigrant, “was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.”

According to King 5, Washington voting laws are basically an honor system in which voters are not required to prove their citizenship.

Cetin is accused in the murders of five people at Cascade Mall in Burlington, Washington. Terrorism has not been ruled out as a motive, although the mass shooting remains under investigation, according to Fox News. However, CBS News says the FBI says the mall attack was probably not terrorism, describing the suspect as a troubled man with past domestic violence charges.

He is a legal permanent resident of the United States, CBS says. 12 News says Cetin came to America as a child.

Cetin, 20, was misidentified by police as Hispanic when he was being sought in the shooting. However, on his Facebook page, he says he was from Turkey.


Cetin made some political commentary on social media sites. In one post, he wrote about voting for Hillary Clinton, although the post might have been sarcastic in nature.


A Tumblr page identified as his by the Associated Press expressed support for the leader of ISIS and an Iranian Ayatollah.

You can read more about Cetin’s social media accounts here:

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