A mattress store in San Antonio, Texas, has apologized after posting an offensive video advertising a “9/11 Twin Towers Sale” that shows two employees knocking over stacks of mattresses representing the World Trade Center buildings.
The advertisement was posted Wednesday night on social media pages for Miracle Mattress. It was removed the next and the store posted an apology on Facebook. You can watch the commercial above.
In the video, a woman stands in front of two employees, with two stacks of mattresses behind them.
“What better way to remember 9/11 than with a Twin Tower sale?,” the woman asks. “Right now you can get any size mattress for a twin price.”
After going through a series of mattress sizes available for a twin price, the woman throws her arms out, and the men behind her fall backwards, knocking over the towers of mattresses.
The woman then holds her hands to her faces and screams, “Oh my God!,” before looking into the camera and saying, “We’ll never forget.”

A screenshot of the tweet linking to the now-deleted 9/11 sale ad.
“To all of those who have seen our 9/11 sale. We are very sorry we have offended you. Our intentions were not to hurt anyone at all. Our staff is full of military and some relatives have passed away due to 9/11,” the store said Thursday in a Facebook post. “We are promoters of peace and love. We have given abundantly to our community here in San Antonio and wish to remain known as a company who respects and loves others. We hope you find it in your hearts to forgive us. Please accept our apology.”
The store’s owner, Mike Bonnano, later posted a letter to Facebook, addressed to the “victims and families of 9/11.”
Bonanno said the video was produced by the company’s San Antonio team without “knowledge or approval from our corporate office in Houston.”
“I say this unequivocally, with sincere regret: the video is tasteless and an affront to the men and women who lost their lives on 9/11,” Bonanno wrote. “Furthermore, it disrespects the families who lost their loved ones and continue to struggle with the pain of this tragedy every day of their lives. All I can say is I am deeply sorry and on behalf of the entire Miracle Mattress family, I accept responsibility for this thoughtless and crude advertisement and will hold my employees accountable for this serious lapse of decency.”
Bonanno said he is “disgusted such a video would have been conceived as a promotional tool and even more incensed it was created and posted on any social media site that represents Miracle Mattress.”
He said the company will be reviewing its marketing strategy and putting an approval process in place.
The employees in the video have not been identified publicly. He said the company will be holding a “personnel review” to “hold these employees accountable for their actions.”