Tiona Rodriguez Named as Mother of Dead Fetus in Manhattan Victoria’s Secret

Victoria's Secret Dead Fetus, Shoplifters Carrying Dead Fetus, Teenage mother dead fetus.

(Google Street View)

A security guard who was questioning two suspected shoplifters at a midtown Manhattan Victoria’s Secret made a horrifying discovery when he searched one of the girl’s bags, reports The Daily News.

Inside the bag was a dead male fetus. The mother of the fetus, named Tiona Rodriguez, 17, who was taken to Bellvue hospital for examination, admitted she had a miscarriage the day before and didn’t know what to do. Rodriguez already has a 2-year-old son according to her Facebook page.

Tiona Rodriguez Facebook Cramps Victorias Secret Dead Fetus, Shoplifters Carrying Dead Fetus, Teenage mother dead fetus


The Daily News reports that police believe Rodriguez had the miscarriage at her friend, Francis Estevez’s home in Glendale, Queens. Estevez was with Rodriguez at the lingerie store.

On October 16, Rodriguez took to her Facebook page to say:

Tiona Rodriguez Facebook Cramps Victorias Secret Dead Fetus, Shoplifters Carrying Dead Fetus, Teenage mother dead fetus.


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