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Trump’s Presidential Alert: All the Best Memes & Reactions

Twitter Presidential Alert Memes

Nearly every person in the United States is receiving a Presidential Alert today in some form, whether it’s through the Wireless Emergency Alert system or the Emergency Alert System for broadcast TV and radio. This is only the fourth time that the EAS has tested a national alert, and it’s the first time that the WEA has tested an alert.

Some people aren’t very happy about receiving a presidential alert. And although there are legal safeguards that require alerts to only be sent when public safety is at risk, they’re still worried that President Donald Trump will use the alert system like he uses Twitter. (He won’t, but the concern is still there.)

So of course, people are reacting with a lot of memes. Here are some of the best memes. This story will be updated as more memes, GIFS, and tweet reactions are shared.

First, people are making up a lot of their own Presidential Alerts, and some of them are pretty funny.

In general, many people weren’t quite sure how to feel about the Presidential Alert, even before it happened.

No, you can’t opt out of a Presidential Alert. It’s actually the only WEA alert that you can’t choose not to receive. The WEA also sends regional AMBER alerts and weather warnings.

The WEA message reads: “Presidential Alert. THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

Some people are going so far as to try to change the source files on their rooted Android phones to get rid of the alert. But it’s not known if that will even work.

Some new Biden jokes are popping up too, thanks to the Presidential Alert.

And some people are thinking back to how well that alert in Hawaii went:

Jeh Johnson, Homeland Security chief, told CBS This Morning that the alert is only used for “true emergencies when we need to get the public’s attention.” It’s not supposed to be used for political purposes, and it will only be used very rarely. The political purposes point is especially important, he noted, since people cannot opt out of the presidential alert. There are laws in place and protocols that make sure the use is in accordance with the law, he emphasized.

Some people said just waiting for the message made them feel like they were in the Hunger Games.

Meanwhile, others think the anger about the Presidential Alerts just isn’t justified:

If you didn’t get the alert, there are memes for that too.

But it could be worse:

Some people are worried that they’ll get charged for the Presidential Alert, but that’s actually not going to happen. You will not be charged for this message, the alerts do not collect any data, and the alerts do not have any tracking capabilities.

This is a developing story.

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See all the best memes, GIFS, and tweet reactions to today's Presidential Alert.