Fortnite on Android: Here’s When to Expect It

Fortnite Android Release Date

Epic Games

Do you remember the days Fortnite was just a console and PC game?

Not too long ago Fortnite ventured into the mobile landscape by appearing on iOS devices. The end result was a game that almost perfectly captured the essence of Fortnite but on a mobile platform instead.

When the game first released on iOS Epic Games said an Android port would be arriving several months into the future and it looks like that future is almost here.

In a recent blog post, Epic Games revealed a release window for the Android version. Players should expect the version to show up some time this summer which isn’t exactly a release date but it is a nice window to expect it in. It’s entirely possible we could learn more information about the release date during E3.

For those who can’t wait for the release, there are a variety of websites out there that offer an Android version of the game. These sites shouldn’t be trusted and are likely designed to get your information.

One example of a website like this is FortniteAndroid.App which is designed to look like an official Epic Games site but we can assure you this isn’t an official way to get the Android version. The site offers a 2-week trial period and doesn’t even have correct grammar so you shouldn’t trust it.

Since Fortnite initially launched on mobile, there have been a number of quality of life changes designed to make the game more enjoyable on the lesser hardware. You may remember a time when Fortnite ran at 30 FPS on Xbox One and PS4 before optimization made 60 FPS the norm.

The team is constantly tinkering with things to make the game more enjoyable A recent State of Mobile post showed the team is working with ways to make the HUD more customizable, essentially allowing you to place buttons where you want them placed for maximum comfort while playing.

One thing Fortnite mobile does have a problem with is the size of its download. Phones generally have limited storage space available so it might be hard to download a full-fledged game. Epic Games is working to make the download size smaller so you won’t have to worry about purging all of your apps if you plan on downloading it.

On the bright side, it’s possible the Android version will have all of the growing pains with the iOS version ironed out in time for launch. While that doesn’t allow you play the game right away, it does give you a sort of “glass is half full” perspective.

Stat tracking is also on the way on mobile. Epic Games is working on the servers so the team can handle many more players. The stat tracking feature should be enable some time this summer.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is out now on Xbox One, PS4 and PC via the Epic Games Launcher. For more Fortnite: Battle Royale coverage, content and guides stay with us here at Heavy. Make sure you check out the rest of our gaming coverage too.

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