Elemental Affinity & Seasonal Mod Changes Coming to Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Seasonal Mod Elemental Affinity Changes

Big changes are coming to Destiny 2’s Armor 2.0 system next season. Revealed during the weekly blog post, both Elemental Affinity and Seasonal Mods are receiving some big, fan-requested alterations. Ever since the introduction of Armor 2.0 players have been clamoring for a way to change the elemental affinity of their gear. This is because each element was tied to a specific set of mods, weapons, and other enhancements. While great on paper, in practice this system ended up frustrating users since they could be stuck with a piece of gear with a great roll, but the wrong elements.

This is changing next season, as players will finally be able to switch the elemental properties of an armor piece between Arc, Solar, and Void. How much this costs will depend on the energy value of the piece you’re changing. For example, if you’re at level 10 energy, the cost will be all the materials needed to reach level 10 plus a single Upgrade Module. While this is a steep price – especially for those with endgame gear – it’s a welcome addition that should only strengthen the Armor 2.0 system.

Additionally, any and all Seasonal Mods will be usable on armor pieces regardless of which season you obtained that gear. So if you’re rocking a piece of Undying gear, you will finally be able to use Season of Dawn and the upcoming season’s mods. This should help players fine-tune their gear and encourage more experimentation with systems such as Charged Light.

All of these changes will go live with the next season launches in early March. Hopefully, this pushes greater build diversity going forward and not force players to horde multiple sets of armor for various activities.

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