A massage recliner can deliver as robust or as gentle a massage as you’re looking for, all in the comfort of your own home and as often as you’d like. Depending on your needs and desires, there is a wide range of chairs that offer everything from full-on therapeutic massages to simply warming and relaxing massages. The biggest differences between them are price and size, and of course, features.
Therapeutic massage recliners are generally large and rather bulky looking. While they probably won’t make a nice addition to your living room décor, they will relieve your aches, pains, and muscle tension. These chairs are designed to mimic a true hands-on massage, and many offer heat in addition to rollers and airbags that add compression to the massage mix.
Gentler models look more like traditional lift recliners and reading chairs can provide relaxation and heat, but on a much smaller scale. We’ve included a mix in our list of recommendations and sorted them by price, in case you’re shopping on a budget. Be sure to take a few minutes to read through the additional information at the end of our reviews to make certain you pick the model with the features that best meet your specific needs. You’re going to love adding one of these massage recliners to your home. Stiff muscles and joints will melt away.