INCEST PORN SHOCKER—Dad & Daughter Have Baby & Sold Lesbian Sex Tapes: Cops

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A wannabe porn star and her dad were busted for incest this week after DNA tests proved he fathered her baby.

But don’t worry, it gets weirder.

Tiffany Hartford, 23, and George Sayers Jr., 46, of Bethel, Connecticut, proudly show off their happy family in photos on his and her Facebook pages.

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Tiffany Hartford and her baby.

But cops were only tipped off because the daughter’s ex-girlfriend — who says she let Sayers film the lesbian couple having sex — is upset that he then sold videos and photos of the encounter without the ex’s permission.

Now the father-daughter couple have been charged with third-degree sexual assault in connection with the incest, and obscenity and conspiracy to commit obscenity for the alleged distribution of the amateur porn.

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George Sayers and his child/grandchild.

Both Hartford and Sayers have pleaded not guilty.

Back in February Hartford’s ex contacted the cops, accusing Sayers of selling the images. She says she was 16 or 17 when Hartford introduced Sayers as her “husband/father.”

The ex says she consented to the filming of her sex with Hartford but objected to Sayers’ selling videos and photos of the encounter — for $40 and $5 apiece, respectively.

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George Sayers Jr.

According to

A search of Sayers’ computer turned up similar images, as well as a commercial video crediting him with being the producer, of Hartford dressed in risque outfits and posed in sexually provocative positions, police said.

Sayers apparently was advancing his daughter’s admitted aspirations to become a porn star.

Before the DNA test, Sayers and Hartford played dumb — telling cops they didn’t know they were related.

But (and it gets even weirder) “Sayers said at one point he believed that Hartford was the daughter of his deceased brother,” the News-Times reports.

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